RE: Bearcarver's health

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Just saw this as I haven't been on here for awhile. Just too D@#n busy! My thoughts and prayers go out to both you John and Linda! Hang tough Buddy and get better soon!! We miss the hell out of you around here!!!!!!!!!!! 
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This is for John and Linda:

I know you all are going through rough times with John having surgery and things not healing


Prayers are sent daily, in hopes that will help. Please listen to the Dr.'s

Above all, only keep positive thoughts. No matter how bad it looks positive thoughts

can make a difference. The mind is much greater then any Dr. Clear out any and all 


Miss ya John.

Nuff Said
Just catchin' up on the thread..

Praying for a speedy recovery my Friend!

Ok guys, just got off the phone with John. He sounds very labored and quite out of breath. His kidneys are still not working correctly and the lungs are still filling with liquids. His good sense of humor is null, and he is totally fed up with it all. Crushed my feelings hearing him sound and talk the way he did. Linda is beat and has her hands full. This test that he went in for turned out to be a all hands on deck emergency operation and not even the correct side of the aorta that they needed to address. They inadvertently punctured the aorta and had to open him up and fix it. Everything else, including packing his head in ice to cool his blood all stems from the initial test. I gave bear all our prayers and good wishes, and Linda had printed out alot of them for him. He asked me to relay his love and thanks for all the support and prayers that have been sent his way, its really made a positive mark.
Should any of you care to send uplifting cards, I am sure the entire family would appreciate it. Prayers and good wishes to the Horn family.

Ah, man...well, we'll just have to keep pullin' for ya 'til you're back on your feet, Bear. Besides, what are friends for, if we can't help each other when it's needed most, right? Time to get out my BIG club and we'll kick this thing in the A$$, together!

Wishing you and yours all the best for the upcoming holidays.


Thanks for the update. It sucks that he is having a hard time still. But is good that he is at home and able to talk on the phone.

Take care John. Get better soon.
The wife being an RN, I hear stories of these "tests" way too often.  Kick this thing Bear, the wife says to take bunches of "pillowcillin" . Prayers still with you!!
Thanks Rich.

Damn! I wish Bear could catch a break.

Labored Breathing is tough, REALLY tough, when you are aware of every breath you take, it's scary as hell.

I have seen some good folks go through similar stuff and its disheartening to say the least. It's a lot on the entire family, but families rally together and become stronger as John's Family has. You just keep praying and hoping, praying and hoping, and you feel helpless.

Its amazing how you can become friends with someone you never met and they have such an impact in your life and I am honored to consider Bear a friend, hate it when my eyes get watery, I'm gonna stop now.


Prayers from the Leyden Family
Just got this from Linda:

Just wanted to let you know how John is doing.  He still has trouble breathing at times.  Pulmonary doctor said his emphysema is worse and there is still some fluid in the bottom of his lungs.  Doing CAT scan of the lungs on Jan. 2.  He is eating more now.  Kidney numbers got a little worse.  We think that's because of all the diurectics he's taking to get rid of the fluid.  His feet are still very swollen.  He actually lost 9 pounds since Tuesday.  The kidney doctor prescribed an additional diuretic pill and it really made him urinate a lot.  
He's on oxygen all the time now and is still weak.  Physical therapist was only here once so far.  
We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Healthy New Year.

We all wish you and John a healthy and Happy New Year and a most grateful and Merry Christmas, as I am kinda speaking for all out here in the smoking world.

My sincere love and best wishes to each and everyone.

Being a relative newbie, I'm not as close to The Bear as most of you.  I still keep running into very informative posts of his as I search the forum for smoking knowledge.  It is tough to win the battle when it seems all your systems aren't working like they should.  I believe that when you have the support from the number of smoking enthusiasts that The Bear has, you have something working for you besides The Man Above and the medical experts.  Lets hope that everyone keeps up their hopes and prayers for does add to his chances.  Keep up the fight,'ll make it through.
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Still in the fight with ya here, Bear. Hope you know, we'll all be pullin' for ya, and hope you can feel our presence through the Holidays and the coming year. Keep the faith and stay strong.

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Keep hanging in there Bear. You're tough and can beat this. We're all pulling for you. Continuing to send positive thoughts and prayers for and your family. May God Bless you during this Christmas Season and bring you a Happy, Healthy New Year.

Thank you Rich for keeping us informed. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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