Howdy from The Hawkeye State!

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
★ Lifetime Premier ★
Jul 16, 2007
Hawkeye State, DSM
I have lurked for a couple of years before registering for a name on this web site. Then lurked for many more before posting here. I thought it was about time to introuduce my self.

I've grilled for many years on Webber 22in. charcoal grills (had 3 of them now) and I am on my second rotisserie for them. I've used charcoal, wood, and lump for them. I've used a small propane grill for traveling for work accross the USA as a Superintendent in commerical construction.

A few years ago I had a chance to pick up a once used GOSM. The wife could not understand why I drug that home (there are a many stories to tell about my cook'in passions, LOL). After a couple of (not more than 2 times each) she has been sold! Now ready to go a bit bigger with a new one this year.

I make my own BBQ sauce that I have been working on for many years and would like to bottle and sell it but, I think there are too many on the shelves now any way. I make several gallons a year and give near 1/2 of it away to friends and family. Freeze it in containers and lasts well, never gets hard, LOL! Got's a whole lot of goodness and a bit of a bite!

Hello I'm Denny O! Glad to "meat" ya!

[font=&quot]Welcome to SMF, Glad to have you with us. This is the place to learn, lots of good info and helpful friendly Members.[/font]

[font=&quot]For Those of you New to Smoking, be sure to check out Jeff's 5 Day Smoking Basics eCourse.[/font]
[font=&quot]Click Here it's "FREE" ... 5 Day eCourse[/font]

[font=&quot]I Would Highly Suggest Reading these posts on Food Safety by bbally. [/font]

[font=&quot]This thread will tell you basically everything you need to know and the man explaining it is[/font]
[font=&quot]both a ServSafe Instructor and a HACCP Instructor.[/font]


[font=&quot]Here you can get the 2009 USDA Food Safety Guide from his site.[/font]

[font=&quot]How to post Qview to Forum:[/font]

[font=&quot]When you uploading to Photobucket I always use the Large IMG setting, 640 x 480 it is a nice size...[/font]

[font=&quot]Everyone here enjoys seeing the Qview so be sure to post plenty of pics...[/font]

[font=&quot]Large ones that us old people with bad eyes can see.[/font]


[font=&quot]For Step By Step Instructions On Posting Qview Check Out This Tutorial[/font]

Welcome. Stay a while and have fun. There are a lot of great people here. Share your Qviews when you can.
Welcome Danny! As you have no doubt seen there are a lot of god folks here on SMF with lots of info and willingness to help. Also a bunch of you Hawkeyes!

Happy smokin to you!

welcome from central Iowa. It's too bad your a hawkeye but I guess I can get over that. We are all smoking meat so it's all good.

Welcome aboard. Sounds like you will fit right in. If you have any extra BBQ sauce, don't let it go to waste. Send it my way LOL.
Look forward to some Qview.
Thanks to you all! Been look'in on here for ear 5 years now and a whole bunch for the last 3 it seems. Already got Jeffs rub and sa-wase. Learned a whole lot sitt'in in the weeds!

IABBD, we root for all Iowa teams till they play my team!

Done many smokes, did not have a digital camera till just before x-mas last year, LOL! (and I'm a new techie kind of guy

I even got some QView to share of ABT's for last supper bowl that are sit'n in the camera yet! Go Figure!

I never think of doing pics for you all till it's way too late, I'll try to do better!

Thanks again all!
Denny O
First off welcome Denny to SMF. It sounds like you are well on your way to be an outstanding new member of this fine site. You'll like it here cause there are abunch of good folks here that would just love to help you out with just about anything to do with smoking. We really like to have newbies here because they can bring in a new propective to how things are done. There's nothing like a new set of eyes to give and new way to make things that little differant to make things alittle better. So I hope you know about the Qview here.
Here's a link to photobucket it's free and easy to download pictures. Then if your really new to smoking Look up the E-course.
It's also free and it will give you the basics of smoking. So after all of that you just need to go grab something to smoke and if you have any question just post them here and we will answer it quickly so you don't have any mishaps with your smoke.
Welcome To Your New Addiction
Hello Denny, glad to know you've come out of the closet and into the limelight of the SMF. Nice introduction my friend. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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