How Much Do You Weigh? For Men Only

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How Much Do You Weigh?

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  • 225- 250

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  • 250 - 300

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  • 300 +

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6 foot, 190 lbs.

20 years ago I was 185, with almost no fat on me (I did long-distance cycling and triathlons and whatnot). I've since lost 5 pounds of muscle and gained 10 pounds of fat.... but at age 47 I'm still in very good shape, I can easily compete in many sports with guys in their 20s.

Being in good shape helps when you like to eat lots of good food
5 foot 10 ...236 pounds....i saw my dr last january and weighed scared the crud out of me so i started using a little more thinking when choosing me food and drink..still loosing weight and feeling great...
I'm 6' 4" and in at a slim 330. I look more like 300 tho....lmao...atleast that's what my wife and mommy say. I was up to about 365 or so but have been hitting the gym.
5' 8" - hit 300+ a few months back... now up to 318... now that cooler weather is here gonna try and start taking some walks with the dog (he need's to lose a few lbs. as well

Hate walking in hot weather... I'm to "furry" for hot weather.. lol.
6 foot, 260 pounds of pure sexy, oh yeah

When I seen the Doctor earlier this year for a routine exam, she asked me if I exercise regularly. I looked at her and said, "look at me, do I look like I'm in any shape to exercise?"

She nearly choked she was laughing so hard.
6' 0", 235, need to lose 20 lbs or better. My 'good' weight was 185-195 when I was a meatcutter, don't think I'll see that again with my bad back! lol! But, figures are good now:
(from my last Dr's appt/bloodtest):

Blood Sugar: 121
Cholesterol: 98
Tirglycerides: 133
HDL: 25
LDL: 46
Liver Function Test: normal
PSA: 0.2
Hgb A1c: 5.1

won't tell ya what they were a few years ago! haha!
Plus, I stopped smoking almost 3 years ago (3 yrs. come this Dec. 25th, 11:26:59 am....).
5'10" bout 235.....ugle as sin but at least my wife sees something in me! Love this whats crazy is that people who have something in common, don't see color or weight! They just see what they love to do....I have learned alot from you dream has always been have BBQ joint!! Maybe one day!!! is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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