Got plants

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
OTBS Member
Feb 11, 2007
Cumberland Co. PA
Been behind schedule because of work , turkey hunting & weather going from winter to summer in a week. Finally got plants to put in. Brandywine, Cherokee purple, Moutain fresh, San martinez, Pony roma. New one to me. Harden off till next week to planr if weather permits
Our yard is full of Wild Everglades tomato's. They are small cherry tomato's but they have a real thin skin & are incredibly sweet. They produce tomato's all year round & they have no pests, other than an occasional bird. When one falls off the bush, it just starts a bunch of more plants. Most of the year we get over 100 tomato's a day, and they make the best salad tomato's you have ever had. But let me warn you, if you plant a plant in your yard it will be all over your yard in a few years, they are almost impossible to kill. I just heard you can get the seeds online, until now I thought you had to find a plant in the Everglades. If any of you want some seeds just PM me with your address & I'll send you some, but I'm not sure if they will survive real cold weather. We had a couple hard freezes this winter & they died back to the ground, but now they are coming up all over. There is even one growing in my neighbors gutter.
I try to have a mix of tomato types each year. I usually (and this year) get a big hamburger-sized slicing tomato, some grape and/or cherry varieties, some Roma, some small pear-shaped, and a medium size yellow like Taxi or Lemon Boy.

I also get a variety of peppers including some bells, some habaneros, serrano, cubanelle, some kind of "frying pepper" cow-horn type and this year I'm trying some ghost peppers. I started some Pequin in some potted clivia for the heck of it, but the manzano seeds were duds.

I also have potatoes and onions, and parsley sage rosemary and thyme. My two kinds of mint came back from last year but no luck with the garlic chives (allium tuberosum) or dill. The regular chives have become a forest. The lemon thyme has been in for three years now and it plans to Rule the World.

I love having an herb garden just a few steps away from the kitchen door.
Got 6 better boys planted in hanging pots,also 10 jalapeno pepper plants and 1 beefsteak ,all in hanging baskets,not sure how well its going to work but we will see
Hey Al I bought some seeds a few years back that they claim grew wild in Mexico and they sound very similar to what you describe. They do freeze out here but come back from seeds the next year and the birds have sowed seeds all over the place.

I usually plant a mix of tomatoes a few peppers some beans and of course onions .

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