Electric smoker MOD guidlines? Smoke Hollow electric MODS

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
Jan 12, 2013
Columbus, Ohio
I just bought a Smoke Hollow electric at a end of season close out.  It is a very good little box but will need some tweaks

to get it smoking right.  I want to install a mailbox mod using a AMPS.  Are there any calculators / recommendations for

air intake and exhaust sizes?   This unit is 12" x 14" x 28" , it has a very small vent pipe at the top, 1/4" at best.  I was thinking

something like 1-1 1/2" diameter at the cabinet bottom and 2-3" at the top.  Some quick measurements from a MES30 would give me a good reference.

Thanks in advance,

I don't know about any calcs for a mod to the Smoke Hollow unit but maybe Todd Johnson at Amazin Products could help.  The build you are doing looks real good.  Be sure to post finished pictures and get it over in the wood burner section. Happy smokin'.
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