Cherry Smoked St. Louis Pork Ribs (Pics)

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tx smoker

Legendary Pitmaster
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★ Lifetime Premier ★
Apr 14, 2013
Lago Vista, Texas
First off a huge apology to all my forum friends. Things have just been insane recently. Work is crazier than I've ever seen it which means more time in the field and more time doing my reports at the end of the day. Secondly we are in the middle of a record setting heat wave with no end in sight. We have literally hundreds and hundreds of plants in a couple dozen beds we've built all over the property. Those are not on the irrigation system and if not watered daily they will all die and we'll lose a ton of $$ in plants and thousands of hours of work. It is a multi-hour ordeal every day keeping the pants alive. That along with work has severely limited my time here and I've missed a ton of stuff, most especially all the gracious replies to my family rib eye thread last week. There just has not been time t keep up with everything.

We got started at first light yesterday on the yard and got it all done before the temps went into triple digits. I wanted to smoke something. We'd not had pork ribs for a while and they cook pretty quick so got a rack of St. Louis ribs out to defrost. This is one time that I really LOVE the efficiency of the cabinet smoker. It requires very little attention so i wasn't out there all day in the afternoon sun and extreme heat tending it.

The ribs seasoned up with a crazy spice blend I put together two weeks ago.

Onto the smoker about 11:45 running 250 with some cherry wood for smoke

2 1/2 hours pull to glaze and wrap

Very light glaze, wrap, and back onto the smoker

4 1/2 hours they are done and ready to slice

Sliced. Got a bit of a smoke ring this time. Saucy fingers handling the ribs though.....

Another light coat of glaze and they are ready to serve

Plated up with some dill pickle macaroni salad, a pickle a la SmokinAl SmokinAl and some baked beans

I'll take this for being well cooked

Y'all know we are not huge fans of sauce, especially a really sweet sauce. The last several racks of ribs were just run start to finish with no steps in between. Wanted just to mix it up a bit this time and do something different, and these came out incredibly well. We like the base flavor of Jeff's sauce but it's just too sweet. Made a batch last week using half of the brown sugar, half of the molasses, and upped the black pepper considerably. this was perfect!! Far less sweet and much more pepper-forward with the flavor profile. The glaze was just some of that sauce with some veggie broth to thin it down. These hit on all the points: perfect bite, great color, excellent flavor, tender and juicy.They went on the smoker later than anticipated so was running higher temp to ensure they got done in time. I think with a bit more cook time
I could have gotten a more pronounced smoke ring. I had a great conversation with SmokinEdge SmokinEdge about the elusive smoke ring and I think we dialed it down to being the wood I'd been using. He clued me in on the science of how wood is cultivated and the different effects it'll have on the finished product. What a great chat we had and very informative.

Oh well, got to get a few jars of pickles finished up then maybe a margarita and a trip to the pool. Hopefully I won't have heat stroke in the 5 second walk from the patio to the pool. It's well into triple digits with record high temps in the forecast for this afternoon. Y'all stay cool and I'll try to be more responsive this time around.

those are great looking ribs my friend! Sorry you've been so busy and hot. we are in the high 90's here and we just gotta be done with outside time by 11 or 12. I cant imagine how unbearable it is in TX with triple digits and humidity! We have no humidity...which feels less hot, but it also dries out the yard in seconds.
Crazy, here in the NW we are having crazy low temp and constant rain. We have had more rain in the first week of june compared to complete monthsnoj junenin history.

Those do look like awesome ribs, and would go really well with a marg. I'd join you for those, if you could turn down the heat some 😁
Great looking ribs and a fine plate Robert!
Wevbeen in the mid 90s and high humidity for the last couple of weeks with thunderstorms most afternoons here. Triple digits mighty early .

First off a huge apology to all my forum friends. Things have just been insane recently. Work is crazier than I've ever seen it which means more time in the field and more time doing my reports at the end of the day. Secondly we are in the middle of a record setting heat wave with no end in sight. We have literally hundreds and hundreds of plants in a couple dozen beds we've built all over the property. Those are not on the irrigation system and if not watered daily they will all die and we'll lose a ton of $$ in plants and thousands of hours of work. It is a multi-hour ordeal every day keeping the pants alive. That along with work has severely limited my time here and I've missed a ton of stuff, most especially all the gracious replies to my family rib eye thread last week. There just has not been time t keep up with everything.

We got started at first light yesterday on the yard and got it all done before the temps went into triple digits. I wanted to smoke something. We'd not had pork ribs for a while and they cook pretty quick so got a rack of St. Louis ribs out to defrost. This is one time that I really LOVE the efficiency of the cabinet smoker. It requires very little attention so i wasn't out there all day in the afternoon sun and extreme heat tending it.

The ribs seasoned up with a crazy spice blend I put together two weeks ago.
View attachment 634520

Onto the smoker about 11:45 running 250 with some cherry wood for smoke
View attachment 634521

2 1/2 hours pull to glaze and wrap
View attachment 634522

Very light glaze, wrap, and back onto the smoker
View attachment 634523

4 1/2 hours they are done and ready to slice
View attachment 634526

Sliced. Got a bit of a smoke ring this time. Saucy fingers handling the ribs though.....
View attachment 634527

Another light coat of glaze and they are ready to serve
View attachment 634528

Plated up with some dill pickle macaroni salad, a pickle a la SmokinAl SmokinAl and some baked beans
View attachment 634529

I'll take this for being well cooked
View attachment 634530

Y'all know we are not huge fans of sauce, especially a really sweet sauce. The last several racks of ribs were just run start to finish with no steps in between. Wanted just to mix it up a bit this time and do something different, and these came out incredibly well. We like the base flavor of Jeff's sauce but it's just too sweet. Made a batch last week using half of the brown sugar, half of the molasses, and upped the black pepper considerably. this was perfect!! Far less sweet and much more pepper-forward with the flavor profile. The glaze was just some of that sauce with some veggie broth to thin it down. These hit on all the points: perfect bite, great color, excellent flavor, tender and juicy.They went on the smoker later than anticipated so was running higher temp to ensure they got done in time. I think with a bit more cook time
I could have gotten a more pronounced smoke ring. I had a great conversation with SmokinEdge SmokinEdge about the elusive smoke ring and I think we dialed it down to being the wood I'd been using. He clued me in on the science of how wood is cultivated and the different effects it'll have on the finished product. What a great chat we had and very informative.

Oh well, got to get a few jars of pickles finished up then maybe a margarita and a trip to the pool. Hopefully I won't have heat stroke in the 5 second walk from the patio to the pool. It's well into triple digits with record high temps in the forecast for this afternoon. Y'all stay cool and I'll try to be more responsive this time around.

Great looking plate Robert, looks awesome. Yeah I could not deal with triple digit heat too well.
Good looking ribs Robert but those are baby backs lol. Hot as hell here as well. Under a heat advisory for all next week. Temps to 110°. Nice work as usual bud
The ribs look fantastic, and for only 2 1/2 hours in smoke that’s a beautiful smoke ring, I think we are moving in the right direction for sure. I bet if you could smoke a rack with no wrap the pink ring would blind ya. Ha Ha!
Thank you for the mention and the kind words. Our conversation was mutually enjoyed and I do appreciate you allowing me to share in this short journey. I think we have achieved success! Nice work big like.
Cherry smoked ribs, look wonderful Robert. Triple digit temps are not to be trifled with. Very dangerous especially to those that are unaware of what they can quickly do. Got my fingers crossed for ya in the hope that cool & wet weather heads your way soon!
Good looking ribs Robert but those are baby backs lol. Hot as hell here as well. Under a heat advisory for all next week. Temps to 110°. Nice work as usual bud
I wasn't going there, but since you did...:emoji_laughing:

Anyway, spectacular looking ribs there my friend...
  • Haha
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those are great looking ribs my friend! Sorry you've been so busy and hot. we are in the high 90's here and we just gotta be done with outside time by 11 or 12. I cant imagine how unbearable it is in TX with triple digits and humidity! We have no humidity
Thanks Dave. Appreciate the kind words. We don't typically get this hot till late July / early August. This might be a bit scary for possibly the hottest Summer on record.
Crazy, here in the NW we are having crazy low temp and constant rain.
Rain? What's that? In addition to record setting temps, we are in an almost record setting drought with no rain in sight. This might prove to be a really fun Summer :emoji_astonished:
Great looking ribs and a fine plate Robert!
Thank you Keith. I appreciate it sir.

Looks excellant Robert, hopefully things will cool down soon for you.
Appreciate it Jim but I'm not seeing things cooling down till about September. Gonna be an interesting Summer at this rate
Great looking plate Robert, looks awesome. Yeah I could not deal with triple digit heat too well.
Thank you Jim. We kind of accept the triple digit temps in late Summer as an offset for the mostly mild Winters. This year we just got hammered earlier than usual with the mega hot temps.
Even on your craziest, busiest days you still cook better than on my best days! The looks super delicious.
Very much appreciate it Sven but I'm kinda not thinking so :emoji_wink: You're just too humble my friend.

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Reactions: Sven Svensson
Good looking ribs Robert but those are baby backs lol

I wasn't going there, but since you did...:emoji_laughing:

I appreciate the kind words guys, and I'm not gonna argue with you.....BUUUUUT that's what was on the label from Costco. The ribs come 3 racks to a pack and I always re-pack them individually. sometimes they only have BB's and sometimes only STL cut so when I re-pack them, I label my packages according to their label. I'd like to think the Costco butchers know more than I do but that may be misplaced trust :emoji_wink:

Some damn good looking ribs Robert. Nice color as well! I hear ya on watering. Takes a good portion of mine and my wife's evening to get both gardens watered and keeping plants alive. This heat blows. Hoping for some rain soon.
Great looking ribs, and plate of food! Thar dill pickle pasta salad sounds pretty good. Not much fun in heat like that...think we will hit 101 today but we had some rain so no watering needs today.

Most excellent looking plate of ribs and sides Robert. Nicely done sir.

Point for sure
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