A few strip steaks on the grill

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Epic Pitmaster
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SMF Premier Member
Jun 13, 2017
Northeast Ohio
450 to be exact……….I helped some friends a few years ago cook for the local church school steak feed. It was our first year and apparently the only year that steaks were done on time and tasty. It’s an annual tradition since then and today was our day. We had a lean crew of 4 today and banged out 450 steak in just under 4 hours. A friend and me on the grill, one guy on thermometer and spray bottle duty and one doing finish and cambro packing. All done on a screaming hot primitive 5 foot charcoal grill. It has two temps , too cold and Chernobyl lol. A few pics from the day. 450 steaks all seasoned up with Red Beard seasonings steak and brisket rub at 9am. Owner of RB is a friend and usually cooks with us but was at a show this weekend
Me and my gray beard getting it done
My buddy Meni on the other side of the grill working it.
No perfect grill marks here but damn delicious. We cook everything to 140-145F. They all get finished with another dusting of rub and brushed with a commercial liquid margarine garlic.
The church serves these up with a big baked potato, butter and sour cream, a roll and a garden salad for $12. Sold out as usual. Already asked us to do it next year and maybe do 500. There is nothing on me that isn’t either sore or burnt lol. Well I’m off to shower and collapse lol! thanks for looking.
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That's awesome . I like the fact you take them to medium . Good idea .
Pigtail flipper ?
Used tongs Rich but I mentioned trying pigtails to the guys for next year. I mean this grill is just screaming hot lol. My arms are close to hairless now and red like a sun burn as is my face.
Yeah , that was a nudge in the pigtail direction , but sounds like you're already thinking about that . My favorite tool for flipping . Certainly helps to keep your hands out if the fire .

Nice work bud .
Great work for a great cause ! But definitely a lot of work involved.
And that's a deal for steak dinner !!

Now that's a load of steaks, imagine everyone who ate them were more than appreciative. Awesome service, congratulations on a job well done.
Thanks! They do seem to like them
Yeah , that was a nudge in the pigtail direction , but sounds like you're already thinking about that . My favorite tool for flipping . Certainly helps to keep your hands out if the fire .

Nice work bud .
I’m all about staying back from those coals!
Dang! I'd pay $12 for a steak dinner....
Great work by you guys.

It’s a great price for sure. The cars line up early at about 4 to start pickups.
Nice work Jeff-ro, now you need to take it easy. I have the same color beard, comes with the years I guess. RAY
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Looks like a great day and that is a lot of steaks, ha ha , just add another 50 on next years plans
Great job and great cause. And like said above $12 for a steak dinner, sign me up.

Very nice to help the local church

Nice work Jeff-ro, now you need to take it easy. I have the same color beard, comes with the years I guess. RAY
Thanks Ray! Gray beards rule!
Holy smokes jcam, that is an awesome cook!
Thanks! It’s a good days worth of work and fun
Dang'it man!
I'll take 7 plates.
Now that should make you full! Many folks grab 4 or more dinners.
Looks like a great day and that is a lot of steaks, ha ha , just add another 50 on next years plans
Great job and great cause. And like said above $12 for a steak dinner, sign me up.

Very nice to help the local church

Thanks! We told them we’d add 50-100 if they wanted to. Also told them no doubt they could bump price to a little.
Looks like a great time jcam. Steaks look tasty. flatbroke flatbroke has a sweet flipper hit him up for some pics. I forgot if he made it or not.
Thanks! I think he mentioned that to me before.
Awesome job! For 12 bucks, Im going to pre order 10 for next year. You cant be that fare from me! rare to medium rare though please;).
I am in a group called the Sideliners. We raise funds for the football team. We have a golf outing every year and I do the cooking. 60-70 steaks tops, I cant imagine 500! Nice work sir!
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Awesome job! For 12 bucks, Im going to pre order 10 for next year. You cant be that fare from me! rare to medium rare though please;).
I am in a group called the Sideliners. We raise funds for the football team. We have a golf outing every year and I do the cooking. 60-70 steaks tops, I cant imagine 500! Nice work sir!
It does look like a never ending pile of meat for most the day lol. I’m sure they’d love to sell you 10!
Wow! What a cook. I would say pretty awesome day.
Thanks Brian! You’d think it wouldn’t be very physical but I can say I’m sore as heck today LOL. Must have something to do with the beard color.
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Man Jeff, that is a Herculean effort for a great cause. Kudos to you and Meni my friend. hopefully whoever supplied the steaks gave a great deal so the church could make some money for all the effort. At $12 a plate, paying full retail for the steaks wouldn't leave much left for the cause. Make it 501 next year so there's one for me :emoji_laughing:

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Superb effort Jeff & Meni. That task is not for the faint of heart. Excellent workflow and the results speak for themselves. 🍻
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