A BIG Thank you Jeff!!

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I am addicted to this place,it is the best place for your addiction to extinguish
in this 2.5 month that I am here ,I have a second family

Thank you jeff to make that possible
I want to add my thanks to Jeff and to all those that so freely give of their knowledge and experience. I belong to another forum for fly fishing and if you ask a rookie question you get grief, if you as for help you may get it or you may get a smart a$$ answer. Never has this been the case on this forum and I think it speaks well for the man in charge. Thanks again.
I couldn't agree more. This site is the role model for all other sites. The short time I've been here has been like sittin' in a college class. The info passed around here is pertinent and to the point with Qview to boot. It has saved me more money and time than I can imagine, especially since my smoker has been put in storage for the winter and all I can do is study about it. I have learned about all the Mods (and why) necessary to improve my CG, how to smoke all kinds of meats, rubs, sauces, woods, etc, and actually feel like an advanced smoker because of the conversations I've had with others and the knowledge I've been able to pass to them learned from this site. And the truth of the matter is that I haven't smoked a single thing yet.

By far, this is an extraordinary place...Thanks for doing what you do...
I agree with what everyone has said about Jeff, Cowgirl and all the Other admin and mods who do such a bang up job keeping this site clean of spammers and every other type of miscreant that finds his or her way into our wonderful home.
Can you say ZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!! thanks for that Jeanie
I also agree that signing up for the measly $15.00 per year is really a pittance considering the bang I get for my buck here on SMF.

Bravo to all of you.
"OMG, it's a miracle"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Gnub actually made a serious post with "No wisecracks"!!!!!

I'm markin this day on my calender!!!!!!! rotflmao
You are wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong..... lol

Not often I get to tell a fella that! LOL! Thanks Oneshot... I'm not planning on leaving, you are stuck with me for awhile.

Jeanie you can tell me I'm wrong anytime, I've learned that technique woman use called selective hearing......lmao

And if I gotta be stuck with anyone I can't think of anyone I'd rather be stuck with!!!!! Yer a sweetheart!!!!!
Let me add my thanks as this place has become like a second home to me. I'll stay as long as Jeanie is posting pics of her smokes every now and again.
Yes THANK YOU jeff for all that you have done to keep this site going. It's a great place to sit and hang out (as you can tell by my post) and to learn how to smoe some really great tasting food. I personally have learned an awful lot from theses guys and girls here.
I would like to mention to all the newbies here welcome and this is a great site to learn. So Thanks Again JEFF
What can I say? It's all been said by the old hands around here. I know I'm just a FNG, but, it doesn't take long to recognize a well built, friendly site. Not many around this electronic neighborhood. I also have an unfortunate experience with a Fly Fishing site, who were too busy admiring themselves to have time for newbies. Jeff, take the praise for what its worth. Seldom do individuals get recognized for their achievements in life. I am proud to have met one such person, albeit electronically, and you've gathered quite a gang around you, willing to share without the snobbery and exclusivism (if there's such a word) you see too often on other forums. Thanks for having us. We hope to live up to your expectations.
I completely agree with my fellow posters and I'm sure "Thank You" is long overdue!
I've only been here a little while but have learned so much and have enjoyed the wide varying posts I have read.
Great group of folks brought together by you, Thank You!
A big Thank You to Jeff and all the moderators and everybody else behind the scenes. I have only been here a month or so, but this place rocks. Thanks to everybody for being so open and honest. I have been around corporate and engineering networks a lot, and I've never seen anything like this site for sharing, learning, and mentoring. Thanks to everybody!
Let me jump in here also with a big Thank You to you Jeff and all of the people on this forum. This is like one big happy family and it seems if someone gets out of line, he seems to go by the wayside pretty quickly. Thanks again to all of the people that help to keep this site clean, and up and running.

Again a big Thank You

Did you say something?

Thank you Steve, you're a sweetheart too!!
Well not much left to add. It has been stated very well above.

I will say that I always thought smoking folks to be secretive with recipes and methods. This couldn't be farther from the truth here. People here are almost begging to help others. I have learned so much and know I have so much more to learn and am really excited about learning it. It is also nice to know that I have a place to come and find everything I need in one place.

Thanks Jeff, for giving me and others a place to come find the information to make us all better smokers.

I hope in the future to maybe meet some of you wonderful people.
Dear oneshot old fellow. I don't quite understand your post at all, I am a serious kind of guy to whom Humor Has always been a bit of a stranger and a mystery to me. I allow for it in others but for myself I try not to indulge in it as I believe it takes away from the serious business of smoking meat. Oh sure when I was a kid I did on rare occasions let loose with a pun once in a while but always in good taste. And have to admit that the antics of your former leader Mr G.W.Bush on occasion brought a glimmer of a smile to my face, but for the most part most attempts at levity pass right over my head. Perhaps you have me mistaken for The Dood Abides who has been known to tell the odd whopper on here.

As always Your obedient servant.
The Gnub!

PS For confirmation of the above assertion please check my Avatar
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