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  1. ReelFaster

    Fire brick?

    As many already stated a big key to fire management is having a solid bed of coals. Bigger FB's can get away with just using larger pieces of wood, but for smaller pits like mine and others some lump charcoal to start with can do wonders for fire management. Longer cooks might even need some...
  2. ReelFaster

    Wrap or No Wrap for Ribs

    FOTB fan here for sure, so I do wrap them in butcher if on hand or most times just foil. I find them to always be juicy, tender and moist.
  3. ReelFaster

    60 gallon old air compressor tank

    Just out of curiosity are propane tanks generally thicker?
  4. ReelFaster

    Learning - Fire Management

    Great advice! I do occasionally have to add some lump charcoal if my coal bed gets to low where my splits are not catching or smoldering. Don't be afraid to if you have a longer cook, having a solid coal bed will make running it that much smoother.
  5. ReelFaster

    2 hours into my first offset smoker use!!! So far......

    Yeah offsets are not for everyone, that's for sure!
  6. ReelFaster

    Starting My First Build

    Looking forward to seeing the progress! I am really debating on if I should build my own smoker or not. Trying to build up the courage! Complete novice at welding and metal working. However I took the plunge and bought a cheap welder and starting to practice welding. I modified my OKJ with...
  7. ReelFaster

    2 hours into my first offset smoker use!!! So far......

    Cheap Offsets are work, hec offsets in general are work and def not for everyone. But I truly enjoy it, but get folks don't have the time. As you have already saw, once you figure out what your pit likes and its sweet spot it gets a bit easier/predicable. As you upgrade to thicker steal...
  8. ReelFaster

    60 gallon old air compressor tank

    Very helpful info, thanks!
  9. ReelFaster

    Learning - Fire Management

    Agreed! I use to try and use chunks, many do and have success but I find thinner and longer splits work best for me. About 8 - 10" long and about 2 - 4" wide work best for my smoker. They catch pretty quick.
  10. ReelFaster

    Who cuts their own wood? How to organize?

    Same, we partially heat our home with wood so I have racks and racks of wood and a large wood shed. But not much variety around here that I can get my hands on. Oak (Red&White), Cherry, Maple, and occasional Hickory so I am able to easily tell them apart. For right now they get cut to size and...
  11. ReelFaster

    OKJ Stack Mod

    Thanks much! Not pretty but it's welded inside and out and I checked a bunch of times with a flashlight no leaks or holes, I think am good. Same for the old hole, I cut a puck sized piece of metal and welded into place and grinded it down, not pretty but it's sealed for sure. Wider stack and...
  12. ReelFaster

    OKJ Stack Mod

    I wasn't able to pull the trigger on a local FB posted smoker. Decided instead to modify the stack to my OKJ. I have trouble from time to time keeping a fire going so I decided to replace the stack with a 4" vs. it's current 3" and lower it to cooking grate level. So far it's been successful...
  13. ReelFaster

    Learning - Fire Management

    Old Country Brazo's is a very good smoker, shouldn't have to fuss with it much once you learn how it runs. I had to fuss with my thinner cheaper OKJ until I mad a mod to the stack and learned what size fuel she liked.
  14. ReelFaster

    Newb Looking @ Offsets

    Good to hear, thank you! I have to get one of those Instagram accounts, lol not much of a social media guy.
  15. ReelFaster

    Newb Looking @ Offsets

    I've heard of him by a few folks and I checked out his website but never reached out to him directly yet. Weighing all my options first but he's def on my list. Tx
  16. ReelFaster

    Offset Upgrade

    Watching a video on the Old Country G2 and noticed the throat on this new smoker. Pretty small and actually think the smoker I am looking at might have a slightly larger opening not by much. It might be enough to put that hesitation to rest.
  17. ReelFaster

    Offset Upgrade

    Thanks for the input guys, I am torn not crazy about the design but it's 1/4" metal superior to my OKJ's but some of those flaws make me hesitant. While possibly a good deal if I can get it even a bit cheaper it's still a good chunk of $ and want to make sure I am happy with it. Not knowing...
  18. ReelFaster

    Offset Upgrade

    Looking to upgrade my offset smoker from OKJ. Love offset smoking but hard for me personally to justify spending $1,000's. I have been giving Old Country's G2 a good hard look but even that is $2k plus shipping, but I like it. I've even considered doing some mods myself to get better air pull as...
  19. ReelFaster

    Newb Looking @ Offsets

    I am sure you saved $$ for sure. I've been quoted $1 a mile so many of the pit makers are down in Dixie by you and many in Texas. From Texas that's roughly $1400 for shipping almost the cost of the smoker. Unfortunately not many makers up here in NJ. I did find one but their base model was...
  20. ReelFaster

    Newb Looking @ Offsets

    Just looked them up, beautiful pits! There are pits that are somewhat affordable but a stretch for me, but what kills it and throws it out of my league completely is the shipping. Right now am going back and forth with the Old Country G2, it's got many features I want but the cooking chamber...