Hi Eveyone I Can Use Some Well Wishes And Prayers If You Like

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We are praying for you here too.
You'll do fine. They are all real good at doing those stints. I researched all there is to find on aneurysms, because I have two of them, but mine can't be fixed with a stint. They will have to go in from the back to do both of mine, plus remove a coartation between them in my aorta, putting in a large section of artificial aorta. Then another time they will have to replace a bad aortic valve (going in through my chest). Right now, by the size of my aneurysms, we are waiting, because the kind of surgery I need has a greater mortality than an aneurysm of the sizes I have. When they reach the size where they are more dangerous than the operations I need, it will be time (hopefully the year 2095---I WISH).

I wish I could get a stint to fix this stuff, so remember Ron, it could be worse. Best of luck, and we will ALL be pulling for you!

Ron, you're in our prayers here as well, you'll be fine, wish I was closer to where you live, my boys and I would've been more than happy to help you pack, and lift your moving boxes. But on a side note, please don't post any qview of the procedure, especially the groin shots, ouch... just kiddin, you have to be able to laugh through this, I had stomach surgery last year, my first time in a hospital also, and I was scared, so its okay to be scared, but just know, you're gonna be better when it is done.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers as well Ron, I had to get my appendix out a couple years ago. That was the only surgery I have had so I can relate to the scared part and I had to go it alone as well. You will come through this better and stronger for having done it and be around longer to give us all great advice and qview! God bless ya brother, look forward to having you back here soon as well!
Ron, about two years ago during a physical, my GP heard something 'suspicious' in my carotid artery. I went for ultra sound which was inconclusive and because of that, I wound up in a Cath Lab here in North Texas.

The procedure was a breeze - the most uncomfortable part was the prep nurse poking my forearm and the back of my hand trying to find something suitable for an IV. The results were negative but they were prepared to fix it on the spot if necessary. My groin was uncomfortable for a few hours and I was playing golf in two or three days.

When I woke up from the procedure, everyone in the Cath Lab was laughing - I guess I'm pretty funny when pumped full of whatever they used. Too bad you can't get six packs of that stuff.

We'll all be praying for a fast recovery.
Good Luck Ron. In January I had a stent put in my left anterior descending artery. It was 99 percent blocked. It scared the crap out of me too. The procedure was no big deal. During mine I was awake during the whole thing watching the x-ray machine. The procedure was sucessful just like yours will be. The only pain was when they apply pressure to the incision to make it clot. Oh and it sucks to lie still for so long not moving your legs. Was out of the hospital 3 days later. Look foward to hearing from you again. Thoughts and prayer out to you.
prayers sent it will be fine, been through a few and the younger the doc the better.god bless.
Hi Ron,

More prayers from Minnesota.

I've had heart surgery myself. Wasn't scared, since I didn't really know until after it was done. Let us all know when ya get home.

Our Prayers are with you Ron, Keep us posted and I am sure it will all come out Okay...
Things should go smooth for you. It is very similar to having a "stent" placed in the arteries of the heart. If you ask around, lots of folks have had these.

I'm not a vascular surgeon, but if you have any questions, PM me and I'll give it a go.

Good luck.
Damn Ron, hope all goes well for you.
98% success rate would make me feel better.
Sure wish I was closer, I'd drive to check up on you if you were even 5-6 hours away but Jersey to N.M you would be home and smoking by the time I got there.
All the best of luck buddy, best to get things taken care of sooner rather than too late.
Not gonna get me any screening, don't wanna know what I've got wrong with me, I'll just keep on the hemp oil to keep me in working condition.
You will be fine Ron, so don't worry yourself over it, if you had more experience in hospitals you would be more at ease but there's a reason you haven't been in them so stay positive
my friend!!
Prayers sent your way Ron, my 78 year old grandfather had it last year, he was mad because we would not let him till the garden, he did very well with it, you'll be fine.

Praying for you Ron, but you will be just fine. God told me so..He still has plains for you down here...Look forward to you post on Thursday...
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