Big Bacon Smoke/ Lots of Qview

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Mar 22, 2008
Several of us decided to go together and do a bacon smoke. We ended up getting 3 cases of bellies that in total weigh 170 lbs. Most if not all of it will get cured using Hi Mountain Buckboard Bacon seasoning and cure. The bellies are in the refrigerator right now starting the defrost. They were stuck together well and tomorrow I'll try to get them apart and stack them a little better hopefully split them up between two fridges.


More to come as we progress
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Jerry good luck to all you involved-I think you know I have a BIG smile looking at those pics.
That's a downright ambitious project you're starting on, Jerry! Good luck and I'm looking forward to the finished product.
Yea I'll be prepping about 75 pounds of bellies this weekend. I"ll be using pancake Syrup and brown sugar instead of honey (cheaper). I will have to take photos and document all like I did with our snack stick adventure.
Gee Piney ur sure gettin serious about makin bakin!
That is some serious belly! Good luck and thanks for keeping us in the loop. How do you like the flavor you get with the Hi Mountain BB seasoning?
I like it and everybody thats tried it has too. I have a few other cures and may try them but with this much it may just be easier doing it all the same and what we know works.

Bob wish you lived closer to help with this one it should be fun
Wow, that's a lot of bacon. Good luck with it.
I'm not alone on this project Mballi, Sumosmoke, Grouper Sandwich, Kayak MacGyver, and a friend thats not on here are all in on this one
Looks like a lot of swine have given up the ghost for this project! Whoo-hoo! Keep us in Qview, gotta see how this progresses. Starting to salivate already though.
Wow Piney, That's a lot of Bacon!

If I remember correctly, you have an actual smoke "house"---Right ??

12 pounds takes up my top two racks in my little MES.

Can't wait to see the massive finished product!
Yummy... I love bacon. Only problem is I am about out of the first batch I made already and its only been a week. BBB rocks.

Gonna have to find some bellies somewhere too.
Now I have my bags full of bread mayo and a couple of heads of lettuce and I'm on my way Jerry. I'll have to stop for the tomatoes but I'll be there full the big smoke too.

Dry Cure or Brine Cure?

Take lots of pics of the process and keep us posted.

It's one thing to do a couple small slabs, but another to undertake this operation.

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