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  1. DougE

    Even even more Colombian Chorizo

    I pretty much followed the recipe with the adjustments @SmokinEdge made. I also left the cilantro out cause it tastes like soap to me. Not really many pics of the whole process along the way. Ground pork butt through an 8mm plate once, then mixed the cure and spices in. Veggies went in after...
  2. DougE

    My take on Hassleback Chicken Breast

    I've had this version of Hassleback chicken breast knocking around in my head ever since @SmokinEdge posted his take on it and finally got around to cooking it up. Boneless breasts placed on a bed of marinara with pepperoni and mozzarella stuffed into the cuts. Just dusted some salt, black...
  3. DougE

    Chicken Sausage

    I guess you could call it a chicken parm sausage with my additions to this base recipe: To this recipe, I add 170g shredded parmesan cheese and 40 or so grams of finely chopped sun dried tomato. 5 lb. of deboned, skin on chicken thighs...
  4. DougE

    Glad I have somewhere out of the weather to smoke.

    We're having a heatwave compared to what it has been. We're at 24° right now. Glad I can set up inside and hang out here in my heated shop while the cook is running.
  5. DougE

    Smallish piece of brisket

    A lot of people have trouble with small pieces of brisket coming out dry, so here's how I do them. Even though it was pre-seasoned, I gave it an extra shot of Jeff's Texas rub. Sitting at 160~170 ish, so I put it in that pan below it along with some beef broth and beer and covered it with...
  6. DougE

    Country style ribs and pork belly burnt ends.

    I haven't posted a cook for awhile. Nothing epic about this one but figured I'd post it anyhow.
  7. DougE

    I have seen that Tractor supply has a store brand of pellets now.

    I see they have their own store brand of pellets now. Price is decent, but has anyone tried them yet?
  8. DougE

    Price alert for those who shop at Meijer

    Boston butts are 99 cents a pound this week .......... time to stock up!
  9. DougE

    Granulated Garlic/garlic powder and onion powder

    Looking for some ways to keep both of these spices from turning into a brick in their containers. I go through this all the time, and it's a real hassle to try and bust this stuff back up when it turns into a brick. I usually end up tossing it out and starting the cycle from loose to brick once...
  10. DougE

    DougE's breakfast sausage

    I've been playing with this recipe awhile to get it just right and everyone who I give sausage to seem to like this one best (I do too and I've made a bunch of different ones). Per 1000g(kg.) of meat: 15g Salt ( doesn't matter coarse or fine, long as it is non-iodized) 3.0g Black pepper 1.0g...
  11. DougE

    Another meatloaf

    Awhile back, I took that Nuremberg sausage recipe @JC in GB posted and added sage to make it a breakfast sausage. I took a pound of that and a pound of ground beef and made what I think is one of the best meatloaves I have made yet. Half 80/20 ground beef and half sausage, rounded out with some...
  12. DougE

    Pre-cleaning grinder plates with compressed air.

    I can't be the first to have come up with the idea, and actually I thought of it quite awhile back, but never did it until after today's grinding session. Usually I just soak the plate(s) awhile, then vigorously swish them around in a sink of soapy water to get the crud out of the holes, but...
  13. DougE

    Can't delete old private messages?

    I have messages in my inbox dating all the way back to 2010. When trying to clean my inbox up some to get rid of old messages that don't need to be there, I get an, "Oops, something went wrong on the server, please try again later" message when using the "Leave conversation" option to delete...
  14. DougE

    I bring you the Feb. 2023 Throwdown for your voting pleasure!

    Top left, hillbilly shark cochie... venison summer sausage, cheese n crackers. Bottom left. Smoked goose pastrami Reuben casserole (sorry, pic doesn't do it justice) Top right veggie pizza Bottom right Asian zesty wings, 3 cheese and andouile sausage cupcakes, and Sriracha anoili honey BBQ...
  15. DougE

    This new search thing .....

    Is in a weird place and is also right in the same place as the up down navigation arrows ......... under them, actually.
  16. DougE

    Arby's Horsey Sauce

    The grocery store I mostly shop recently started carrying Arby's Horsey sauce in pints. I have used Woebers horse radish sandwich spread as a substitute for a long time, but I think the horsey sauce is better.
  17. DougE

    Thick cut boneless chops

    I just seasoned them up with a commercial rub I had sitting there in my prep area. Into the pot. With trial and error, I found the best time/temp for pork chops is 2 hours at 145°. I just did the sear with a torch. I sear on the grill or over a chimney of hot coals sometimes but I mostly use...
  18. DougE

    2023 Throwdowns

    Since I happened to open my mouth, so to speak, and got myself on the planning committee, I want to know what themes would really motivate y'all to participate. We aren't talking specialty cooks here, but something most everyone would feel comfortable entering a cook. We would really love to see...
  19. DougE

    Jeff's newsletter signup on the sidebar

    @TulsaJeff There any way y'all can move it down to the bottom of the sidebar? I find it distracting where it is now.