My name is Glenn and in June I finally gave up my propane grill that I've been using since college -- the thing finally fell apart. I thought I would try something new, so my family gave me a Traeger grill for my Birthday!! So far I've mastered cooking steaks....just like the old propane grill (minus the hot spots).
I've read a lot about this smoking thing....much more challenging....much more fun....and the meat tastes a million times better!!!!! I started with something easy...smoked salmon... Excellent. So far I've eaten extremely tough Brisket (didn't cook it long enough of course), cremated some babyback ribs, and now I have a pork butt on the grill (I'm stuck at 150 degrees....but this time I know not to be impatient!!). I have a vinegar based sauce to add as soon as it is done...can't hardly wait!!!
I've read a lot and have a lot of questions. So far I've learned that everything I've read and learned is just a need lots of hands on experience!!!
I'm surely an amateur at smoking meat....but look forward to trying all this new stuff!!!
I've read a lot about this smoking thing....much more challenging....much more fun....and the meat tastes a million times better!!!!! I started with something easy...smoked salmon... Excellent. So far I've eaten extremely tough Brisket (didn't cook it long enough of course), cremated some babyback ribs, and now I have a pork butt on the grill (I'm stuck at 150 degrees....but this time I know not to be impatient!!). I have a vinegar based sauce to add as soon as it is done...can't hardly wait!!!
I've read a lot and have a lot of questions. So far I've learned that everything I've read and learned is just a need lots of hands on experience!!!
I'm surely an amateur at smoking meat....but look forward to trying all this new stuff!!!