Master of the Pit
Went from 5.99 straight to 9.99 a 30 pack at the Kroger affiliate. Still the best price in town. Publix was 11 bucks for 18.
I think it's more widespread than that... several outbreaks here in Iowa. I'm sure more than that the way it spreadsWhy does a California outbreak change prices all the way to SC and Florida?
Our egg prices for the white shell has jumped as well. But got a dozen of local free range brown shell for about the normal price. Don't remember if I posted earlier but it took years for my wife to eat brown shelled eggs.
The Ohio Department of Agriculture reported 2,052,773 birds have been “depopulated” in the Miami Valley because of H5N1 since Jan. 9. The affected birds were located in Darke and Mercer counties, and included turkeys and potentially others.I think it's more widespread than that... several outbreaks here in Iowa. I'm sure more than that the way it spreads
I can see why people like the various colored(blue, green, etc) eggs, but why do folks prefer brown over white shelled? I never understood that one.Brown-shelled eggs taste exactly the same as white-shelled eggs.
Marketing.I can see why people like the various colored(blue, green, etc) eggs, but why do folks prefer brown over white shelled? I never understood that one.
Ray up my way I think this is reversed. It seems brown shelled eggs are preferred. White shelled are always cheaper and better stocked than brown shelled.Americans prefer white-shelled eggs because that's been most commonly available.
interesting. at the store white eggs are cheaper here. If I was to want colored eggs a bunch of neighbors up here sell fresh eggs for $6 a dozen, they are pretty good and fresh, but We also feed them to our dogs and the cost ran up too high too fast.Ray up my way I think this is reversed. It seems brown shelled eggs are preferred. White shelled are always cheaper and better stocked than brown shelled.
The bird flu is one part and it is still spreading an outbreak was reported on a north Ga producer in the last week or two the first for the area. The areas the last 3 hurricanes hit was an area with a lot of chicken farms and many were total losses. I haven't seen any recent numbers about reduction of the total laying hens but would suspect it to be down.
We have hens that lay a wide array of colors. There are several varieties that lay white eggs. We have white legbars that lay a lot of eggs. Legbars come in a variety of types and egg colors.
I always thought it was either peanuts or Billy Beer.I've always heard chickens are the biggest ag business in the state.
In the book "The Food Lab" by J Kenji Lopez-Alt, he does an experiment with home farm raised eggs vs. commercial store-bought eggs. Of course everybody thinks a farm egg tastes better than a commercial egg. He decided to do an experiment with several people. They consistently chose the farm eggs as tasting better until he decided to take the "visual" out of the equation and cooked the eggs scrambled with green food coloring. Nobody could taste the difference. It's mental.Brown-shelled eggs taste exactly the same as white-shelled eggs.