Winco Egg-Price Ripoff!!!!

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I'm thinking of going back to buying from a local farm. Just a little hesitant with a flock that's not being monitored as well as the big producers. I also read somewhere they are recommending all eggs be fully cooked to hard instead of runny.
Jeff I wouldn't be worried about migratory waterfowl passing over Ohio in the dead of winter.
Same with Ryan Brokenhandle Brokenhandle in a brown Iowa winter.
Now Jerry pineywoods pineywoods is being safe. This winter blanket covering the near south near north belt is convincing waterfowl to move further south.
Jeff I wouldn't be worried about migratory waterfowl passing over Ohio in the dead of winter.
Same with Ryan Brokenhandle Brokenhandle in a brown Iowa winter.
Now Jerry pineywoods pineywoods is being safe. This winter blanket covering the near south near north belt is convincing waterfowl to move further south.
They are saying that geese who live around our local reservoir have tested positive for bird flu.
In CA, "free range" means the hens are not caged, are kept in a building, and have access to a penned area outside, often through a door that only one chicken at a time can fit, so most never leave the building...the perfect definition of a legal loophole by lawyers.

Pasture-raised in this state means they are ALL daily given full access to the outside to an area equal to about 10 Sq ft per hen.

I smell a corporate profit egg-laying rat.

I'm going to avoid my tantrum.
Laws are passed with loopholes to keep the lawyers gainfully employed.

Corporate pricing is all about what the public is convinced (connived) into believing is the truth
yeah crap
They are saying that geese who live around our local reservoir have tested positive for bird flu.
Those are the free loaders that put a wrench in things.

Has there been any talk about eliminating the winter residents to preserve the commercial stock? I doubt it.
Pretty sure if I tried raising chickens my dogs would label them varmits and turn my place into a KFC!

Wife just came home with three 18 packs on Thursday... farm fresh, unwashed... strictly asked for unwashed, they are sitting on our counter. $ 4.50 per 18 pack. Can honestly say, I've never paid attention to eggs when I've bought them anywhere if they are free range or not.

I have a question for you eegheads, how long do processed eggs last in the refer?
Several sources online say this - Eggs are good AT LEAST 2-3 weeks past the expiration date as long as they've been refrigerated the entire time.
I was taught when in doubt, do the float test, if they come up off the bottom in the slightest toss them into the compost pile. I never much paid attention to the expiration date, to be honest with you.
I know that I pretty regularly eat eggs that are a month or more old.

I just never took the time to research the guidelines.

Thank you.
Several sources online say this - Eggs are good AT LEAST 2-3 weeks past the expiration date as long as they've been refrigerated the entire time.
NewScum in California just passed a law to remove best before dates, Best if used by, sell by and others to "make it easier for consumers from being confused" and "remove food waste".

Now stores can sell old crap that has been sitting on shelves "to remove food waste" and poison them by "make it easier for consumers from being confused".

You can't make this shit up.
NewScum in California just passed a law to remove best before dates, Best if used by, sell by and others to "make it easier for consumers from being confused" and "remove food waste".

Now stores can sell old crap that has been sitting on shelves "to remove food waste" and poison them by "make it easier for consumers from being confused".

You can't make this shit up.
As bad as NY is, I can always count on Commiefornia being worse!
Wife just came home with three 18 packs on Thursday... farm fresh, unwashed... strictly asked for unwashed, they are sitting on our counter. $ 4.50 per 18 pack. Can honestly say, I've never paid attention to eggs when I've bought them anywhere if they are free range or not.

That's a good price. I just bought some local eggs off of Craigslist for $6 dozen. That's still cheaper than the grocery stores around here.
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