Some years ago, I took my wife & daughter to see Michael Buble in concert at Key Arena in Seattle, where the Super Sonics used to play. (My daughter was somewhat of a nerd, like me, and instead of rockers on her bedroom walls, she had pics of Buble.) At the time this place held about 15,000 seats, and probably another 1,000 on the floor, & was sold out. I shelled out a few hundred for seats in the 4th row, in front of the stage. (Not something I would have done for anyone else.)
As you may know, Buble is from Vancouver, BC, not far from Seattle, and many of his Canadian fans attended. This included a group of ridiculously drunk women in the seats directly behind us, who would lean forward and scream-along the lyrics into our ears; so much so, that we couldn't hear Buble. One kept screaming, "I used to babysit him!" As annoyed as I was, it was all I could do to keep my wife from turning around and decking one of them. We tried to get security to intervene, but they were useless.
So no, I do not like big crowds at concerts. I do not like them, Sam I am.