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Since we're talking Rubs here, this is were we'll start this discussion.
Last Saturday, I did 4 pork butts for Pulled Pork Sammiches for the BIL's 40th B-day. His wife requested IF possible that I use a rub with NO SALT. "What in thunder was she thinking?" I asked myself! She told me that her Grandparents were coming to dinner and they both are on a salt restricted diet. Being the SUPER NICE GUY that you all have grown to love and being up for the challange (so what if it was the morning of the day that I'm applying the Rub??)-NO PROBLEM!!! I hit the 'net running and didn't find a thing-I turned to my several Smoking and 'Queing books and actually found a "No Salt" rub. Can't recall off hand who's book it was in but the recipe was written by Paul Kirk (and NO it wasn't in the PK book that I have). The unusual ingredient was LEMONADE powder- Sam thought I had gone off my rocker (again) when I said "Hey, Hon-taste this!" I got one of those "Wife" looks and she said "Not bad, but what's that lemony taste?" She just shook her sweet little head when I told her it was lemonade powder.
I changed up the recipe some from the way Paul Kirk wrote it so I'll try to remember to post my version for you all later along with pix's of the pork.
Here is the link to my version of Paul Kirk's No Salt Rub http://www.smokingmeatforums.com/for...ead.php?t=1256
Last Saturday, I did 4 pork butts for Pulled Pork Sammiches for the BIL's 40th B-day. His wife requested IF possible that I use a rub with NO SALT. "What in thunder was she thinking?" I asked myself! She told me that her Grandparents were coming to dinner and they both are on a salt restricted diet. Being the SUPER NICE GUY that you all have grown to love and being up for the challange (so what if it was the morning of the day that I'm applying the Rub??)-NO PROBLEM!!! I hit the 'net running and didn't find a thing-I turned to my several Smoking and 'Queing books and actually found a "No Salt" rub. Can't recall off hand who's book it was in but the recipe was written by Paul Kirk (and NO it wasn't in the PK book that I have). The unusual ingredient was LEMONADE powder- Sam thought I had gone off my rocker (again) when I said "Hey, Hon-taste this!" I got one of those "Wife" looks and she said "Not bad, but what's that lemony taste?" She just shook her sweet little head when I told her it was lemonade powder.
I changed up the recipe some from the way Paul Kirk wrote it so I'll try to remember to post my version for you all later along with pix's of the pork.
Here is the link to my version of Paul Kirk's No Salt Rub http://www.smokingmeatforums.com/for...ead.php?t=1256