I did the all night brisket smoke Sat. night. I've done 5 or 8 briskets before and Ive always watched the internal temp go up to around 170 and then just stop for 3 or 4 hours. I know this is the plateau. But Sat night I put my 10.5 lb. brisket on at 6pm @ 225 degrees. Well, there was never a plateau, the temp just kept going up and never stopped. My 10.5 lb brisket was DONE at 1am after only 7 hours in the smoker @ 225. I was stumped thinking maybe my thermometer was broken, so I went and bought a new one at Walmart at 12am. When I got home and inserted the new thermometer it read 200 degrees. So I pulled it off the smoker and put it in the cooler to rest until morning. All night I was thinking to myself "there is NO WAY that brisket is done", but sure enough when I took it out of the cooler and unwrapped it, it just plum fell apart. It was so tender that I couldnt even cut it. It made the most delicious sammys I have ever eatin.
Anybody else ever seen a brisket with no plateau period? I'm still stumped.
Anybody else ever seen a brisket with no plateau period? I'm still stumped.