We bought about 30# of pork tenderloins a few months ago, marked down to $1.49#. Although e know it's really good, it just never jumps out of the freezer at us when surveying for dinner possibilities.
Saturday, it got in my way while looking for lamb chops, and it kinda aggravted me, so I decided I'd just cook some and get it out of the way, but how to cook it.....How to cook it?
The answer came to me Sunday a.m.. Pork Wellington!!
No pix (sorry), We don't own a digital camera, but here's the scoop:
1) Make mushroom pate'(Mrs. Dickeydoo doesn't care for the customary liver)
Pulse 2# Crimini shrooms in food processor until fairly fine(a few chunks here and there is OK). Add 3 egg yolks- beaten, 2 cups matchstick
sliced onion, 3/4C red wine, Thyme, marjoram, sage and rosemary to taste(fresh is always best)
Melt a stick of butter in a large skillet, add the rest,along w/ 2C. beef stock, bring to temp, then simmer til it begins to form a paste
2) Season and truss meat
We used a homemade salt, garlic, pepper, and herb blend, then tied two tenders together as one(just like they come packaged). Also added a few fresh chopped herbs between the Two.
3) Assemble
Lay two rolls of puff pastry on a baking sheet, join the two together by brushing egg wash on 2" of one, overlapping the other over the egg wash, then brush the seam w/ egg wash again.
Spread the cooled mushroom pate thickly over the middle 1/2 or so of the pastry. place the meat on the pate', then coat the meat w/ the rest of the pate'. Pull the sides of the pastry up to cover all and seal ends and seam w/ egg wash. Make 4 or 5 vent slits in the top of the pastry, and brush w/ melted butter.
Place in hot smoker (305-375F) until 130 internal temp(about an hour). Best to use light smoke. the pastry is a creosote magnet. Rest 20-30 min., slice thick, enjoy! Serve w/ a beef or veal cream demiglace if desired.
It sounds kinda complicated, but it really isn't, and it was so good that I even surprised myself, and that's hard to do!
Hope some of you give it a whirl. You won't be sorry if you do. Let me know how it turns out!
Oops, it just dawned on me , I didn't use any garlic anywhere in the whole thing. How'd that happen?
Saturday, it got in my way while looking for lamb chops, and it kinda aggravted me, so I decided I'd just cook some and get it out of the way, but how to cook it.....How to cook it?
The answer came to me Sunday a.m.. Pork Wellington!!
No pix (sorry), We don't own a digital camera, but here's the scoop:
1) Make mushroom pate'(Mrs. Dickeydoo doesn't care for the customary liver)
Pulse 2# Crimini shrooms in food processor until fairly fine(a few chunks here and there is OK). Add 3 egg yolks- beaten, 2 cups matchstick
sliced onion, 3/4C red wine, Thyme, marjoram, sage and rosemary to taste(fresh is always best)
Melt a stick of butter in a large skillet, add the rest,along w/ 2C. beef stock, bring to temp, then simmer til it begins to form a paste
2) Season and truss meat
We used a homemade salt, garlic, pepper, and herb blend, then tied two tenders together as one(just like they come packaged). Also added a few fresh chopped herbs between the Two.
3) Assemble
Lay two rolls of puff pastry on a baking sheet, join the two together by brushing egg wash on 2" of one, overlapping the other over the egg wash, then brush the seam w/ egg wash again.
Spread the cooled mushroom pate thickly over the middle 1/2 or so of the pastry. place the meat on the pate', then coat the meat w/ the rest of the pate'. Pull the sides of the pastry up to cover all and seal ends and seam w/ egg wash. Make 4 or 5 vent slits in the top of the pastry, and brush w/ melted butter.
Place in hot smoker (305-375F) until 130 internal temp(about an hour). Best to use light smoke. the pastry is a creosote magnet. Rest 20-30 min., slice thick, enjoy! Serve w/ a beef or veal cream demiglace if desired.
It sounds kinda complicated, but it really isn't, and it was so good that I even surprised myself, and that's hard to do!
Hope some of you give it a whirl. You won't be sorry if you do. Let me know how it turns out!
Oops, it just dawned on me , I didn't use any garlic anywhere in the whole thing. How'd that happen?