Welcome All Newbies

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
Nov 22, 2006
Haltom City Tx
My computer has been down for a few days thanks to my ISP now I see we have a lot of new members. Welcome aboard we are glad to have you join us. Check out Tulsa Jeff's 5 day e-course it's loaded with valuable info to help get you started. Pull up a seat grab you'r favorite cold one and enjoy.
I know that feeling Marvin!...My puter has been down since July 2 due to ISP problems and computer problems.

Just now been able to be back online, and back here at the SMF...

Soooo...That said...I'd like to join you in welcoming all the new members that have joined since the 1st of July...

Welcome to the SMF!...
...We're all mighty glad to have you here with us!

I agree!!...TulsaJeff's Free 5 Day eCourse on 'Smoking Meat Basics' will get them started off on the right foot!...

Great Folks, Great Food, Tons of info...and...More Fun than you can shake a handful of rib bones at!!!...

It's definitely THE place to be!!...

Again...Welcome aboard the SMF!...Glad you found us!...

Until later...
Welcome aboard all you fresh recruits out there! Have fun and learn!
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