Venison Summer Sausage recipe

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Legendary Pitmaster
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Aug 1, 2018
North Texas, Texoma
So I found a couple pounds of ground venison in freezer that a couple years old. I used 1/2 lb to make tacos and tasted good. I now have 1.5 pounds. There is no added fat. I have never made summer sausage before and think that might be a good way to use it. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Edit. I have beef and pork fat to add also. I will probably do without casing if possible. Dont want to buy just for this.
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Yup what chopsaw said. Works perfectly in my opinion.
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I like 50 / 50 ground pork butt / venison blend .

Yup what chopsaw said. Works perfectly in my opinion.

Would happen to have a recipe? Maybe I should just buy a kit like Hi Mountain Seasonings ǀ Summer Sausage Seasoning Kit? Maybe the Jalapeño Summer Sausage Kit
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You beat me.... Guys have you covered on the venison. Not sure if you are looking for recipe info but SS is pretty easy. It's basically SP+dry mustard. You can also add a little spice like coriander/allspice/nutmeg. Maybe some garlic if you want. Buddy of mine uses a brat mix for his venison SS. That's basically a cervelat. The SS style is very forgiving IMO.
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I've found some really good SS recipes using the search
Here's a very old thread that I'm going to incorporate elements on my next batch.
... I will probably do without casing if possible. Dont want to buy just for this.
The advantage to a kit is most come with casing.
That's a really good price at Academy and it comes with mahogany casing
Maybe I should just buy a kit
I didn't say above , because I wanted you to do some thinking . I suggest starting with a seasoning mix .
Owens or AC Leggs . Like mentioned above , Look at Amazon .
I have AC Leggs 114 and Owens original SS . You can add japs or cheese if you like .
Good thing about buying the pre mixed seasonings , is the better ones will have things like dextrose and Sodium erythorbate already in it . Things that add to the overall final product .
I didn't say above , because I wanted you to do some thinking . I suggest starting with a seasoning mix .
Owens or AC Leggs . Like mentioned above , Look at Amazon .
I have AC Leggs 114 and Owens original SS . You can add japs or cheese if you like .
Good thing about buying the pre mixed seasonings , is the better ones will have things like dextrose and Sodium erythorbate already in it . Things that add to the overall final product .
Thanks Rich. I had watched some videos including 2 Guys and a Cooler. I think I going to give that High Mountain a shot as it comes with casings and not to expensive. I really dont want to spend $30 on casings right now. Not going to be something I make very often.
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Here is a spread sheet I use to make mine.
Kits are fine but making your own from scatch is the real deal.
Just change up the meat weight and what meats your using and it calculates everything else for you.
I just downloaded your spread sheet. Not sure how your inputs work but if I'm reading it correctly does it say 25% salt? thinking this should say 2.5% IDK

maybe I'm reading it wrong?
I just downloaded your spread sheet. Not sure how your inputs work but if I'm reading it correctly does it say 25% salt? thinking this should say 2.5% IDK

maybe I'm reading it wrong?
Ya I don't know whats going on with that. Just deleted it from the post
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I just downloaded your spread sheet. Not sure how your inputs work but if I'm reading it correctly does it say 25% salt? thinking this should say 2.5% IDK

maybe I'm reading it wrong?
Here is the post that the spread sheet was based on. I can tell you it is spot on. This is based on 100 pounds of meat.

I found the link to the SS recipe and made some necessary edits. So here you go.

Here is the SS recipe that we have worked up. My sausage making partner and myself bought the basic recipe from a spice manufacturer that went out of business. We have modified it some to our taste. We substituted cracked black pepper for whole peppercorns as neither of us liked the whole peppercorns. We both like lots of mustard seed to chew on so we really kicked that up. We are about middle of the road on garlic so if you like lots of garlic you could add up to a 1/3 cup of minced garlic for a 30# batch of sausage. Do not add garlic salt because the salt is where it needs to be with out adding anything more.
This is the recipe that we have made our large batches with. I would guess we have done more then 2000# over the years. I know that the group that we make sausage with swear buy it.

The recipe makes enough spice blend for 100# of Summer Sausage. You can cut the recipe in half or 1/4 and just use the calculated charge rate expressed in the formula. I work at a chemical plant so I treat everything like a chemical concoction. Sorry! The nice thing about doing it this way you multiply the pounds of meat that you have by 1.087 and this tells you how many ounces of the spice blend to add to your meat.

For 100 lbs. Of meat 50 lbs. of well-trimmed wild game meat chunks
50 lbs of trimmed pork shoulder.] [I use Costco Pork butt](Mix pork trim together with wild game chunks and grind with preferably a
3/16" plate or with a 1/4" plate if that is all that is available. I would prefer to use a 3/16th plate if you can get your hands on one.

The following is for 100# of summer sausage.

2.5 lbs. none Iodized salt
2 lbs. Corn syrup solids / or dextrose
5 oz. Fine ground black pepper
2 oz. Ground coriander
2.5 oz cracked black pepper
23 oz. Mustard seed
4 oz. Garlic powder [add extra minced garlic at the time of actual production if you care for more garlic. 1//3 cup of minced garlic seems about right for a 30 pound batch
.01 oz. ground Thyme .............[7.3/8 tablespoons / oz]
.02 oz ground Clove .............[4 tablespoons / oz.]


For 100 lbs of meat use 4 0z. Of preg powder # 1 [sodium nitrite] meat cure. This is .04 oz/lb. of meat. (.04 X the number of pounds of meat you are processing.) One ounce of meat cure is = to 5- level tsp which enough for 25 # of sausage

Just remember one level tsp/5pounds of meat.

DO NOT eliminate or reduce the amount of meat cure that should be in the meat. This is what protects the meat during the smoking process!!! Mix the meat cure in the spices just before adding the spices to the ground meat.

10 tsp liquid smoke [mix with water]

Liquid measurements
2 lbs. (32 oz.) of cold water per 100 lbs. Of meat
(.32 oz of water per lb. of meat) Mix this water with the liquid smoke then add it to the meat while mixing in the spices.
10 tsp. Liquid smoke (mix with the water before adding to the meat.) all of this is for 100# of meat.
Well I just got done. I dont know how you guys do big batches as I whooped! Went with Hi Mountain. Ended up with about 4 lbs. Still undecided if smoking really necessary? I cant see how much would get through those casings. If I did would use MES40 with chips mixed with pellets or do have some dust. No matter what finish in sous vide. Guess 150? is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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