Vacuum Sealer

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
May 14, 2007
Hey all:

I'm looking for some recommendation on a good vacuum sealer.

Thanks in advance.
Food Saver - the best model you can afford to buy.

I've had a few of them my first ole daisy seal a meal (no vac) lasted forever! Still works. They changed the bags and the new style doesn't work they melt.

I bought the new style seal a meal a few years back and it died in like 4 months.

I then bought a Black & Decker and it died in a few months. I went without for many years and Smoked and a few guys here convinced me to go with the Food Saver. SO far it's still going strong and I use it alot! I even brine my pastramis it in, freeze my spagetti sauce in it, meats, soups etc. Works great!

Make sure you get the wrinkles and folds out of the bag before sealing and liquids are not a problem.
Yup! Foodsaver, mine is 7 yrs. old and still kicking and it gets a lot of use, i couldn't imagine how the new ones will work, you can't go wrong
Thanks. I went to foodsavers web site. Any suggestions on which model?
I got mone at Wal Mart - it was cheaper than the website. I have the 4440. I like having the bag inside and out of my way. Get the rolls not the bags. You can make any size bag you need.

I also use mide to make TV dinners (sort of) cut the bag the same length as the sealer and seal it side ways put a few spoons full of taters in one side, corn on the other and seal - then put a few ABTs or whatever on one side then meat on the other and seal. you now have four servings of food on one bag. Every time you smoke or cook do this and before you know it you have a freezer full of anything you want when you want it! Bring it to work, have it for supper whatever! just poke a few tiny holes in each section and put it on a plate and nuke it for a few minutes and wella!

The only thing that doesn't work well is chicken or turkey skin it's soggy, but if you skin it first it's fine.
ooh, thats a neat idea. I need to convince my wife that we need a vacuum sealer.

Yer just full o' neat info aren't ya Debi?
I'm just a fugal farm girl at heart.

This system works good when you and the wife want a special dinner and want to get rid of the kiddies early too!
If one is near you, check out Costco/Sam's. I got my Food Saver at Costco for around $125. I got the sealer/vac, 2 vac canisters, and bags. This was about 3 yrs ago. I know Costco still sells them, but a newer/updated model.
Foodsaver the way to go. Once I got mine, it was just like smoking....was foodsaving everything
. Sams also has the best deal on bags...get them in bulk. My 02 cents
Food Saver, we smoke a bunch of stuff in late fall and seal it for the freezer and have fresh que all winter long. There is nothing like coming home when its -30 degs. and smelling ribs and corn on the cob cookin in the kitchen.
Thanks all. I'll try to check out Costco this week.
You can have fresh Q all winter, no problem. Just fire the smoker and DO IT. Nothing quite like smoking while it's snowing sideways at 20 below.
Black and Decker is a POS. I have one and cry everytime I have to use it. Food Saver will be what replaces it.
From all the reserch I have done Food saver is the best in the affordable price range. My dad has one and it does a great job. I have a rival that I found on clearance for $29.99 and I have no complaints so far.
Stay away from the seal o meal vac sealer. I have one and hate it. I have had my food saver for 5 years and it finally died, after plenty of use. I thought I would save money and go with the seal o meal, well its not worth the money saved.
We went through 2 seal-a-meals in the last few weeks. Each one would last a couple days then die.
Just picked up a FoodSaver @ target, they have 2 models to choose from $99 & $139. Hope the foodsaver last longer.
I bought a food saver 16 years ago when they first came out, still using it today! Just watch the quality of the bags wrinkles will mess you up every time. Liquids a a bitch too but I'll stand by everyone els here, Food Saver is the way to go.
Like Jim said watch the wrinkles! If you have a wrinkle in the bag when it seals it will leak! It helps to have a third hand or some support of the bag when you do liquids also.

One thing I do miss on my ole 30+ year old Seal a Meal was the mounting bracket. I hung it from the bottom of my upper cabinets and it made liquids real easy.
Like Jim said watch the wrinkles! If you have a wrinkle in the bag when it seals it will leak! It helps to have a third hand or some support of the bag when you do liquids also.

One thing I do miss on my ole 30+ year old Seal a Meal was the mounting bracket. I hung it from the bottom of my upper cabinets and it made liquids real easy.

Is cosco like a WalMart or something? We don't have them here. Actually anymore all we have locally is WalMart.
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