The boxes look fine. Hint - They are judging MEAT ONLY.
Remember, you only need to include enough for 6 judges to each have a sample. No less, it will disqualify you. More is wasted. There is a fair amount of "sitting time" between turn in and getting to the judges.
The table captain will announce the sample number and present it to the judges seated at his table for them to look over, then he will pass the box to each judge for them to get a sample.
They judge appearance, taste & tenderness.
6 ribs, 6 nice slices of brisket, an amount of pulled or sliced meat that allows 6 good samples (include bark, it ups the taste), 6 chicken thighs. Give a slice of your brisket a pull end to end. If it is rubbery it is undercooked, if it falls apart it is overcooked, it should break cleanly. That is what the judges will do. Sliced brisket drys fast, spray it with apple juice, or what ever. Chicken can be skin on or skinless, juices must be clear. Rib meat should come off the bone with little effort and only where you bit into it. Properly cooked the exposed bone will have a tendency to dry almost at once.
Judges do not have forks & knives, just fingers, lotsa napkins, and water.
And MAKE SURE anything sliced (ribs, brisket) is cut
completely through and separate, judges are not allowed to pull pieces not cut through apart!
There is also a trend to a plain presentation, no greenery.
Hope this helps a bit and you "do good"! (I know you will!)
I am judging the Peculiar Barbeque Round-Up July 21 and the United Missouri Bank BBQ Contest July 28.