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It seems that I remember Cookin' Cajun before the cheap Brinkmans showed up. Does anyone know who made the first commercially available bullet smokers?
The first ones I saw in the early 80's or late 70's was the cook'n caj'n and they were always side by side with Mr Meat Smokers. The Caj'n was black and the Mr Meat Smoker was red.
Did yours have the shish-ka-bob skewers that laid across the top in place of the top grate? Mine had that and was red. The skewers was what made me choose it instead of the Cook'n Caj'n (which I bought a year or so later).
Cajun Cooker was available in the late 70's. I had a friend that had the single and in 1980 I purchased a double Cajun Cooker. It is still in working condition. The charcoal pan was replaced about 5 years ago and it was ordered from Brinkman.
I'm pretty sure my Cajun was red. It may have been a more recent unit though. As I recall, the bottom section doubled as a ccoal grill. It was in three stackable sections.
Yep, that was the "Gourmet" model. You can still buy the Cajun cookers here in Louisiana. I noticed yesterday at my Son's Apt at school that the smoker I gave him was a Cajun. I thought it was a ECB.
Mine didn't have skewers, it had two wire rack round shelves.
The GOSM gasser was given to my FIL.
The GOSM charcoal was given to my BIL.
The Masterbuilt Triple Crown Grand Mac Series was given to my next door neighbor.
The Mr. Meat Smoker was given to my the local sanitation engineers.
Don't think my wife would let me keep any other X's around either.