hello to everyone...it has been a while since i have been to the website. I got very busy with work and family. I have a brinkman verticle charcoal smoker (cabinet style) and have not been happy with it. I have had several good smokes but with smaller cuts of meat. I just can't get temps to stay up - so smoking times are way to long on larger cuts. Anyway the wife has approved the purchase of a new smoker!! - I plan on buying the char-griller pro with side fire box this weekend. :D Needless to say I am very exited. I hope to make the mods this weekend also - If all goes well I will be smoking a big shoulder & fatties sunday.
Hopefully I won't screw things up too bad - this will be my first time with a side fire box. any tricks on fire/temp control? I was using lump charcoal with the verticle - should I stay with that or go to reg. charcoal??
Thanks for any help,
Hopefully I won't screw things up too bad - this will be my first time with a side fire box. any tricks on fire/temp control? I was using lump charcoal with the verticle - should I stay with that or go to reg. charcoal??
Thanks for any help,