The Worst BBQ I make is the Best you ever Ate

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Original poster
Jul 19, 2006
At least that is what the shirt said. I've beed smoking for close to 20 years now or 2 I never know which lie to tell. I do know that from what I have read so far you have a very nice site. I know some of you very well others I may meet at some point.

I live in VA own a few smokers and try to smoke every few days. I travel around the country and get to sample some of the best and worst BBQ ever made. I even get some work done.

I have made more mistakes with Q then I care to talk about but if it can be done wrong I have done it. So is there any bad Q?
Welcome Trout, it is amazing when you can truthfully make that statement. I tell people at work all the time that The worst Que I make is better than any Que they can go out and buy. You know how the site works, looking forward to your particular insights and tips to the world of BBQ.

Grab a cold one and jump into the fray.

So your here, glad to know were you are. Have not seen you around started to get worried. How is the wife and kids and kids and kids? :oops: Next time in CA I need to stop and eat dinner with you and you bunch.

Welcome to SMF Jim.

Glad to see another friendly face.

Great bunch of people here, and I'm sure you'll fit right in.

Again, welcome!
Don't I know you from somewhere??? Welcome Jim, and I think you will really like this place. Lots of friendly people!
I feel like I'm at the homecoming of the Witness Protection Service. :lol:

If it doesn't violate any rules, where is everyone acquainted from?

Also, Welcome Trout. Ain't nothing like walking in the room making bold statements. 8)
Funny side story, quite a few of us are multi forum posters.

I saw Noah on one at like 2am about a month ago.

Sent him a PM:

Subject: Tag

Body: You're it

He resonded with a "WTF? You're here too. I'm working third shift, what the heck are you doing up?"

I met Florida Jeff, Bob-BQN and JMinion on other boards.

Probably more of you, if you change ID's from forum to forum (ie Jeffs-a-Smokin) :)
He don't care.

I'm sure he'll fit in here nicely.

He's like you and me, Rodger, a down to earth guy, and a welcome addition to the site
Welcome to SMF Trout. Glad to have you here. Looking forward to your posts. Like they say, Grab a cold on, grab a seat and join this madness we call fun!
Never worry about Hijacking a post of mine. Infact I just may do it to myself once of twice. Bill you seen any more fat Hooter Girls?
Sorry, about the bold statement but after looking at all the "others" on the board that I already had known for a few years I needed to let them know that it was me. After a short while you will understand that I am quite funny.

BTW we all met as extras on Friends.
I'veknown Trout for a few years, and had the pleasure of meating him for dinner last week at a Hooters near OHare airport. First time we met in person, but I've called him a friend for years
You could say that some of us have known each other long enough to think of as 'brothers'....

That is a good part of the BBQ world, share your knowledge, make some friends, and good food to eat. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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