Just getting around to using them . The ones I have bring a bit of heat . Haven't used them in sausage yet , but my Son has put them in his sauce and pasta salad .calabrian peppers
It's a great add .
Just getting around to using them . The ones I have bring a bit of heat . Haven't used them in sausage yet , but my Son has put them in his sauce and pasta salad .calabrian peppers
I have an Italian pepper sauce that I add to sausage sometimes for something special. It calls for Calabrian peppers but I use Fresno peppers instead because I can get them local. It is a very delicious sausage.Some fresh Italian sausages from Calabria use sweet pepper sauce in the meat pasta. I use sweet red bell pepper and sweet calabrian peppers when I make the pasta
Yep 103. Plan to bump the heat with the calabrian pepper stuff I have. Finally have all the italian herbs to play with. Last run I didn't have anise.103 ? It's good . Not super hot but it's there . That's the one I used to make snack sticks out of .
Also added some anise to it to make what I consider " Pizzaria " flavor for pizza .
Makes a good link .
Italian bratwurst from Marianski . Pork , salt , fennel , white pepper . Done deal .
Do not omit the anise seeds, it is essential to the flavor.
I don't have any Italian recipe yet.Anyone have a good "sweet" italian recipe? Wife wants me to make her some for spaghetti meat.
I don't like "licorice" either.Yup, like Chop said, anise and fennel both provide that black licorice(ish) flavor. Anise more so but I think italian sausage needs both.
I don't like licorice either but I use both anise and fennel, just not heavily.
Love Hot Italian sausage. I add fennel and anise." Sweet " Italian denotes fennel in the mix . From there it's mild or hot depending on the amount of red pepper or flakes .
All different types of Italian sausage that does not contain fennel , usually known by the region .
I make so many varieties I lose track . I usually go 2 to 1 Fennel to anise . If bulk for pizza I do the reverse , heavy anise or anise only . I think the anise brings out the " pizza parlor " in the sausage . A pinch of caraway is an interesting add also . I do the spice by taste . The amounts in recipes are always to low for me .Love Hot Italian sausage. I add fennel and anise.
My "go to" for all things sausage is Stanley Marianski's book Home Production of Quality Meats and Sausages.