summersville lake west virginia

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
May 5, 2007
standing over the pit- kentucky
there's a gathering of "the misfits"-thats albannach fans & just generally good friend numbering in the hundreds, that are gathering oct. 26-28th @ summersville lake,west virginia for 3 days of camping,drum circles,& general fun. i'm loading up the pits & will be cooking for anyone & everyone so i thought i would extend the invitation here too. ya can pm me for links to camping info or just post on here. it would be great to have both my "forum families" together @ 1 giant gathering. it's kind of a gathering of the clans-literally.
WOW! I used to spend summers with my Dad on the lake (20 years ago). Used to spearfish and water ski right up to the day before they would drain it... Wish I could join ya!! Have fun!!
Gypsy,I replied to your reply about my vacation that we were camped about 50 miles from Summersville.I live about two hours from there and go to the area as often as I can.I have a friend with a small summer home right outside of there and Id love to make it up that weekend and help you out.I could bring my rig if you think we would need it and if you would like the company.Keep me posted and let me know,you can PM me the camping and any other info anytime,David
very cool dac. yeah i'd love the company & the help. we could always use a larger rig or more rigs as there'll be a hundred or maybe more people there. we'll need all kinds of stuff & i hope to have some rv campers w/ us. this is starting to resemble a giant family reunion or fair sized event. as soon as i get the campground agreed upon & contacted i'll send ya the info. for now if ya want to keep up w/ whats happening on the "misfits" board here's a link to the posts. it's in community under general "posssible misfits gathering @ summersville lake,wv"
well this thing is getting bigger & better. i'm still working on the exact location for the main events. there will now be highland games. hopefully some more of our smf gang can make it & we can have our own BBQ cookoff. pm me if you're interested in attending.
Sounds like a blast Gypsy, I'd love to go, but my wife's idea of camping has a heated pool and cable TV...
Hmmm, I might be able to talk her into that! Thanks for the tip!
Well folks I am planning on trying to make this little gathering. I should be able to get off without much trouble by then the Navy's broke and things should be slowing down (I hope).

Besides I gotta find this little state people don't know about. Maybe we bunk-in next door to Mr and Mrs Hawg.

Who else is planning to attend?

PS Don't make it Columbus day! I've gotta go to Boston and Meet up with Smokin' Joe and Monty!!!
did ya see the pics i sent ?? i'll send ya a pm w/ some camping/lodging info if ya like. it will/would be an honour to share a pit(especially my pits)w/ ya debi... and i know lil' miss aimee would love to tell ya how to cook lol- ya do know she is the supervisor....
here's what i got so far- the 1st place is where we're looking @ doing the camp & all the festivities - they have a rodeo arena & we will set up pits outside. the whole sheebang. i still need a couple days to get the "special events promoters(yah right ??) liability ins.)but here's 3 links to camping/lodging- there's also hotels etc. anyway- here's the 3 top sites for tent/rv/cabins lodging. the main place)
This past weekend We took a trip to Summersville Lake WV.I got some photos of Good Evening Ranch and the lake for you all to see who might make the gathering Gypsyseagod is putting together.There are so many things to do in this area it would take to long to post them all.We went to a Greek restaurant which was a first for me,a little place hidden on top of a hill in Summersville.They dont even advertise,no signs,you just have to know about it.An interesting story about Summersville Dam.When they flood an area they name the dam after any town they have to flood.The town in this case was Gad WV.The Corps of Engineers didnt think the name "Gad Dam" would go over to good so they picked the nearest town and called it Summersville Dam.This is a true story,I did not make that one up.


Definately got to check this place out, it's looks lovely! I am most ancious to meet my extended family!

Gee I would think the the ACE wuld love an inside joke like that!
I'd love to find out how far this Gathering is from Marion,Va since we have our RV there as our summer home
. DeejayDebi told me about this event and we'd like to make it if possible
especially since we couldn't make it to the 1st SMF Gathering like we planned. Sounds like an absolute blast and even though my Scotch-Irish roots are quite diluted with good old American white lightning, we would enjoy engaging, and listening, to tall tales of both the American and Immigrant type
. Thanks for the invite
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