Still remember the old BBQ list days when 9600 baud was fast

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Smoke Blower
Original poster
Oct 18, 2023
Just joined this forum.
Most of the guys on the old BBQ list I first signed up to from the early internet days are probably dead now. That is how long I have been barbequing.
My favorite BBQ places are around Birmingham AL back in the 70-80s. Places where you can order BBQ sandwiches by inside, outside or mixed meat.
i have built my own backyard smokers from everything from Subway car brake-air tanks to Vertical brick smoker where the bricks are held together with metal frames. Still using the Brick one.
But now age as caught up with me. I bought a Rider DLX pellet grill-smoker then spent a month solving OJ's controller problem.
Welcome aboard from Mississippi! Ah the good ole days of dial up.....You could cook a brisket waiting for something to load up. And God help ya if someone picked up the phone!

Welcome from Ohio. Lol for brief second I think I heard that good old modem noise.
Be-donk-be-donk-screechhhhhhhh-dot-dot….. Good lord we thought it was cool though. We even installed a second line for it but DSL was never available to us. My how fast things have changed.
Just joined this forum.
Most of the guys on the old BBQ list I first signed up to from the early internet days are probably dead now. That is how long I have been barbequing.
My favorite BBQ places are around Birmingham AL back in the 70-80s. Places where you can order BBQ sandwiches by inside, outside or mixed meat.
i have built my own backyard smokers from everything from Subway car brake-air tanks to Vertical brick smoker where the bricks are held together with metal frames. Still using the Brick one.
But now age as caught up with me. I bought a Rider DLX pellet grill-smoker then spent a month solving OJ's controller problem.
Welcome from S Florida. those were the days with dial up. Took 20 minutes to steal a 68kbps napster song.
Wow, yep, the good ole' days. I remember my first 2400 baud modem, it was glorious. I operated a BBS and used distinctive ring so I could tell if it was a house or BBS call. Fidonet was in vogue and shareware was a thing!

I used Spitfire BBS software and ran the board on a T.I. 8086 computer... Don't get me started.
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Welcome from California.

Dang, I still remember saving up for my first used 386-16 then spending another $50 for 1 Mb of RAM so I could have enough to run Windows 3.1. It had a 9600 card in it.
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Welcome home, I was smoking when we got our first computer in early 2000, I could smoke a cigarette or 2 while I waited for a deer picture to load on dialup :emoji_laughing: been quit for 23 years in February or march
Why I remember my first mastodon brisket. It took two days and a cord and a half of wood to get past the stall.....

And would I be dating myself to note that my first computer language experiences included the then new languages of FORTRAN and COBOL? Or that about 14 years later the first desktop computer the Army plunked on my desk had a whopping 4 megabytes of RAM and a 20 meg hard drive?

I too miss sites like the old BBQ Porch site and some of the personalities there. But I don't miss 45 second download speeds for a simple page of text or some of the ridiculously childish personalities who couldn't restrain themselves from lashing out at everyone who had a differing thought or opinion. At the time tools really didn't exist for effective moderation and the site owner finally pulled the plug on the site out of frustration and disgust.

One of the things I cherish about this site is the tight moderation and my thanks go out to all the moderators. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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