Just joined this forum.
Most of the guys on the old BBQ list I first signed up to from the early internet days are probably dead now. That is how long I have been barbequing.
My favorite BBQ places are around Birmingham AL back in the 70-80s. Places where you can order BBQ sandwiches by inside, outside or mixed meat.
i have built my own backyard smokers from everything from Subway car brake-air tanks to Vertical brick smoker where the bricks are held together with metal frames. Still using the Brick one.
But now age as caught up with me. I bought a Rider DLX pellet grill-smoker then spent a month solving OJ's controller problem.
Most of the guys on the old BBQ list I first signed up to from the early internet days are probably dead now. That is how long I have been barbequing.
My favorite BBQ places are around Birmingham AL back in the 70-80s. Places where you can order BBQ sandwiches by inside, outside or mixed meat.
i have built my own backyard smokers from everything from Subway car brake-air tanks to Vertical brick smoker where the bricks are held together with metal frames. Still using the Brick one.
But now age as caught up with me. I bought a Rider DLX pellet grill-smoker then spent a month solving OJ's controller problem.