St. Paddy's Day Humor

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Smoking Guru
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Jul 7, 2005
Midvale, UT
Q: Why do the Irish invite Scottish Pipe Bands to march in the St. Patrick's Day Parade?

A: Because 12 guys marching, playing the Irish harp doesn't stir the soul like a Scottish Pipe and Drum Band do!!

Erin go Braugh
Theresa, since you showed my yours (well the hubby's) Clan crest, guess I'm obligated to show you mine!!

Clan Cameron
Very cool Dutch, one of our hopes and dreams is to make it over there one of these days!!!

The "CLAN" allways has a huge "Gathering" every year....we went to one of these about 15 years ago when Bud's parent's were still with us and it still lives large in our memories.
And here is an example of my Scottish pride!


This is our Clan Crest. Hopefully now you can all see it. I will post the Coat of arms soon!

My father was the Eastern regional Vice President of the Clan Montgomery Society International till his passing a bit ago. I plan to visit in the next year or so.

Cheers, Garde Bien!
Sir Monty
Stephen R. Montgomery
Interesting! It took a bit for your pic to show. Could be another problem. It is showing up fine on my end. Reopen my post and wait a bit. Lemme know what happens!

I still can't see a picture, just a red x but was able to left click and open the link....very cool, had to look up and see what Garde Bien meant
I really like your tartan colors!!

Bud takes great pride in his scottish ancestory....but if I see bagpipes coming through the front door I might have to put my foot
I will work on the "red X" problem. The purple tartan of Clan Montgomery is actually called "Montgomery Blue" and is the social tartan of the clan. There is a green and black checkerboard style tartan the clan wore when hunting and "settling scores" with folks who were less than agreeable to be friendly!
Then there is the "ancient" tartan. Long rumored it was discovered in a crypt under Skelmorlie and will soon be available for public display and use.

If we take the motto's in the order that they are posted we would have:

"Fear God, unite and watch well!"

Pretty good motto for every day living!
And I could not agree more! Such a lot as we present a force to be reckoned with!

You don't like bag pipes, Tonto?! I'm not Scottish, but I love them. At my funeral, soon to be think'n of this , but at my funeral I want at least a dozen play'n Amazing Grace. Don't know what it is about bag pipes and amazing grace, but it chokes me up. Something from long ago I guess.

Love the Irish Washerwoman song too. Kids gave me a Celtic Bagpipes CD a few yrs ago. Just love it.

Hey, Dutch are my Clan Crest and Coat of Arms displaying well for you? Others hae had problems with it.
I love the bag's the learning 'em part that terrifies me.
Talk about a terrible noise!!!!!
BigAl, at my father's funeral a lone piper rendered Amazing Grace. Still chokes me as it has a million times before! I have attended the funerals of many friends, civilian, military, and police and have also played "Taps" in conjuction with the piped "Amazing Grace". And the piper wins!

There is a Gathering of the Clans annually in Lincoln New Hampshire. The site is a ski area and it is in a "bowl" surrounded by hills. To hear a cadre of over 400 pipers and drummers play "Scotland the Brave" is absolutely awesome. One is overcome by the effect!

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