Well Im on the ham again,I put the sugar cured ones in the smoker Friday evening and just checked them this morning.After all night of drying its time to lay the smoke to them.This process should wind up Sunday evening about 6 PM with an array of beautifull and tasty fully smoked hams.The country cured hams are still in the cure and will be smoked next weekend and Ive already got friends coming around wanting a taste.The weather could not be better for outdoor smoking and drinking,mid seventies,sunny.The early spring flowers are blooming,the snow birds have returned and are singing at daybreak.Im planning to take the whole brood,6 of us,to the Outback Steakhouse tonight for a feast.Its become a tradition with us on April 1st to go out for a good meal as my bi annual vacation check from work comes in the mail today.I dont know if it can get much better.