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Want to smoke cheese, What is a decent smoker for a beginner like me to start with. Would like to try hot flavored cheese. What kind could I use and how do I go about it.
Any help naturally is appreciated. Thank you.
Welcome to SMF. I have no idea what to tell you about cheese. I don't care for it smoked. But we're glad to have ya. Someone will be along in a minute to answer your questions though.
for the most part, smoking cheese needs to be done in a cold smoker, that means 100 degrees or LESS..... cheese usually does not take that long either, check out the section on cheese on the forums for more help. I've recently modified my old luhr jensen big chief into a cold smoker box feed by my masterbuilt smoker primarily for doing cheese and other cold smoke items.....however by the old luhr jensen book, if you keep the box the smoker came in you can actually use that on top of the big chief as a cold box.......but honestly smoking is much more then just doing a few chunks of cheese!!!!!!
win, it help us to help you if we knew what type of smoking equipment you have on hand. Like smoked said, check out the Cheese forum. THe posts there should be able to address any questions you have. Feel free to post any cheese smoking questions in that forum.