randy (gofish) made a comment in one of my threads about me being a smoking fool. i know he was just kidding, but i am a smokeaholic. i want to smoke something everyday. i usually take my mom a plate to her work for her lunch, and she told me one day, "the next time you smoke something, let me know, and i will bring you some meat to smoke for us". (by us, she meant her and my step-dad.) she has said everything i have took her was delicious. she has sampled my brisket, chicken, different fatties, rump roast, and shoulder roast. i have it lucky in that i work two days a week. friday night and saturday night, from 11pm-11am. yes folks, i work 24 hours a week, and get paid for 36 hours. so i smoke all week, giving the smoker a break on the weekends. i have a few ideas to get my smoker tweaked perfect i just thought of. one i need to bend my deflector plate some. i think it would help alot to put a pan of water in the food chamber too.
right now my deflector plate is welded to the end, just above the heat/smoke entrance, and just angles down. there is a gap under it and the bottom of the barrel. i think i need to bend it so that is comes off the end at an angle and then goes parallell to the bottom of the barrel. any thoughts on that?
and a question: when i make an edit to a post, i don't see the "edited by <name> on <date>. but i have seen other posts by others that have it. why is that? on my motorcycle forums i am on, it shows to everyone. enough rambling for now. i need to do some stuff before i start my (short) work week.
right now my deflector plate is welded to the end, just above the heat/smoke entrance, and just angles down. there is a gap under it and the bottom of the barrel. i think i need to bend it so that is comes off the end at an angle and then goes parallell to the bottom of the barrel. any thoughts on that?
and a question: when i make an edit to a post, i don't see the "edited by <name> on <date>. but i have seen other posts by others that have it. why is that? on my motorcycle forums i am on, it shows to everyone. enough rambling for now. i need to do some stuff before i start my (short) work week.