simple smokin

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just woody

Fire Starter
Original poster
Jul 5, 2006
hi, I'm retired and spend most of my time in the woods cutting down trees and sawing fire wood, I like to start the winter with about 60 cords to sell. mostly Oak,Cherry, black birch, Ash, Maple, these aren't trees that you can walk up to and drop, then saw them up, I have to use cables and snatch blocks to get them down to where i can saw them up for fire wood. even a mule would have a hard time in here, but i love it and have nothing better to do.

I have been smoking everything for yrs, winter and summer .My heat and smoker is old parlor stove that has the leggs broke off so i set in on bricks. the stove pipe is 8' long connected to a sq box that i welded up from some steel that i salveged from some old 275 gal oil drums, it is about 36" by 30"X 30"..the racks are from old gas stove ovens I did have a roaring fire going in the oil drums before i cut them up and welded them, it killed all signs of anything that was ever in them..
I admit that the smoker looks crude and some people that have only ate off a $3000. stainless grill have their doubts about eating from it the first time, but they seem to be the ones that want seconds,thirds. and bring their friends here from the big city to see the hillbilly smoker.
i'll post some pictures when the camera comes back home
Welcome, Woody.

Grab a cold one, and jump into the fray. Spending all your time cutting fruit trees.. Man, I wish I lived near you. would love to see those pics of the hillbilly smoker. Remember, if you have the knowledge share it, if you don't, then ask a question and somebody will give you an answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Welcome Woody,

What part of the world are you in.

Sounds like you have a good thing going on wherever it is :D .

Be sure and post some pics of your smoker, lots of us around are do it yourselfers, not many pampered boy's and girl's at this forum, best I can tell. 8)
Hi, Woody!

Happy to have you on the forum! I heat with wood. Burn about five or six cords a year; mostly maple and yellow birch. My woodsman friend knows I like to see a bit of cherry and he will hide a bit on the sly in the middle of my delivery, which is log length. I buck and split my wood and love doing it.

Also have chickens and looking forward to other critters soon. Please share your hillbilly smoker with us! I am intrigued! And of course let us know how you use it.

Welcome to SMF Woody, we're glad to have you here. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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