here is pics of the shoulder roast i smoked yesterday. i also did 5 polish sausage links, 12 ABT's. the roast weighed 4.61lbs. i rubbed it with mustard and my spices the night before. i hit it up with more black pepper, garlic powder, and chili powder just before throwing it in the smoker. we ate all the ABT's, so no pics. the polih sausage was good too. the roast came out very juicy. i mopped it twice while it was in the smoker. i put it in the smoker at 5:30 p.m. foiled it at 8:55 p.m. (170° internal) and put it in the oven to finish, at 250°. it hit 200° at 10:50 p.m.
my mop consisted of bourbon, a bit of vegetable oil, and worcestershire sauce. here is the (food) porn.
my mop consisted of bourbon, a bit of vegetable oil, and worcestershire sauce. here is the (food) porn.