Shane Holz's New Smoker and Turkeys

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
OTBS Member
Jul 3, 2005
Stuart and Palm Beach, Florida
My friend and fellow member, Shane Holz, from Michigan asked me to post these for him since he was having trouble.

The Silver cooker is his newest Smoker........................Nice! Not a bad lookin' Deer in the back of the Pickup, either!

Good job, Brother Shane!



Thanks alot Jeff they look great. If anyone was wondering that deer in the back is a eight point! All I see when I see deer anymore is sausage! Keep it smoking boys!
:shock: WOW!!! Nice birds....nice buck, too. Those sure are some awesome pics. I wish someone would invent a scratch and sniff monitor...

Scratch and sniff would not do these justice. Four of us ate a 15 pounder in about 30 minutes last night when they came out. Awesome, tastes better than ham!
No doubt, my friend. I'm glad I had a few leftover wings to pack for lunch today...just looking at your pics set my mouth to watering... It's hard to beat the flavor of any poultry done in the smoker! Your absolutely right about it tasting better than ham... :D

I enjoyed this thread and those pictures! 8)

Thanks for sharing Shane and to you Jeff for the assist.
I'm always here to help! I had to change the format of the pix and downsize the image.........they posted quite well!

I knew everyone would enjoy them!

Thanks for sharing, Shane! It is pix like these that keep us all coming back and feeling good about the camaraderie of this site! And this was made possible through Florida Jeff's effort! Uhhhhh, about that eight pointer, you gonna eat all that?
Monty :)
Looks like I'll have to get my own if that's the case. Can do it right in my own back yard if I can ever break away from work!
Monty :roll:
Good going Shane!!! When I saw those turkeys hanging there in the stocking netting it was, to quote Yogi Berra "like deja vu all over again".
When we ran the smoke houses that is how we hung the hams and turkeys. I can't even remember how many thousands of pounds of meat that I've hung like that. Makes my arms and shoulders ache just thinking about it!! :mrgreen:

BTW-Nice buck, too!

What kind of info can you tell us about the smoker on the left?
That is something I created out of a old hospital fridge. All stainless steel with a propane burner hooked to a flow control valve from a trailer furnace. I made it all thermostatic control like the other with some electronics from the Sausage Maker. I have pictures of the internal organs on the other one on our old site if you want to see it. This is definately a set it and forget it set up, although I still feel the need to baste myself with a couple beers while it's running so efficently! I'm working on making my smoke generator (cold smoker) all set it and forget it also. That will be a winter project. That barrel in the back ground of these pictures is the smoke generator for the smoker on the right. I do turkeys at 140 for the first few hours and that smoker has a hard time making smoke that low so with that I just pump the smoke in. It also allows me to make cold smoked fish, sausage, cheese, etc. Nice set up but with the electronics I can only go to 250 temp before burning out the probe, but I've never had the need to go that high. I hope I answered all your questions if not let me know. By the way you guys did not see the Doe already hanging in the garage. 2 deer = alot of sausage!!
Thanks Shane, I can see me another project looming on the horizon!! :D is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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