More sausage mix, better mixing for protein extraction.
never put your fresh smoked sausage in a plastic container or bag after smoking. leave to hang at room temp for a day or two, then brown bag or non waxed butcher paper in the fridge.
Sorry, but I don't agree with this. This is too long to hang at room temp IMO. There might be some confusion happening here between short blooming, and risk-protected salami methods. It's easy to see folks hanging salumi and salami, forget there are numerous risk mitigation methods at play, and extrapolate you could do the same for a sausage...
Pathogens grow well and fast at 40-130f. This is why commercial operations can not have meat in that temperature range longer than 6 hours, and then they must achieve a pathogen lethality temperature after that. This is why restaurants are not allowed to take buffet leftovers that sat at room temperature and put back in fridge for reuse. This is why the entire practice of salami making exists. This isnt a salami with several barriers to pathogen and germ growth, this is just a sausage waiting to regrow pathogens if left hanging at room temperature. No salt 2.5% or higher, no pH 5.3 or lower, no competing safe lactic bacteria meat cultures fermenting to fight competitors, no reservoir of unused unconverted NaNO2 or nitrate, no drying to Aw 0.85 or below, just a big old juicy petri dish for bacteria. Yes, you killed everything off hopefully with your smoke cook--but that doesn't mean it's good forever and all health/temperature/exposure requirements can be ignored. I have never seen anywhere a caveat to allow comminuted/ground meat sausages to sit around like this.
Hang a smoked sausage at room temp and instantly stuff begins to recolonize it. The ice bath is intended to rapidly get meat temps back down out of the danger zone. The "blooming" is just a casing dry and oxidizing color fix, hours at most before you get the sausage cooled back down where bacteria don't grow, not a multiday exposure.
Sorry to disagree, but I don't believe I could ever pass an FSIS process inspection doing this.