My wife and I went to an event in South Carolina several years ago where they cooked an entire cow on one of these spits, as well as a plethora of other large, intact animals. It's quite a sight to see, but our collective takeaway, as well as everyone we spoke to was that it's a disservice to the animal in general. Absolutely none of it was what I would consider properly cooked, and the waste at the end of the event was heartbreaking. It's a great way to make do if you're a gaucho on the plains with 100 other men to feed, and lack a better way to prepare it, (unlikely) but in modern times, it's not my cup of tea for a variety of reasons. The event I'm referring to was called "Bova Noche" for any South Carolinians that may be reading this. The guy that put it on is a highly regarded BBQ/Whole animal chef, but alas, this was an abject failure.