I just use a CI Dutch oven on a propane burner. The Dutch oven does an incredible job with maintaining temp.
I feel your pain . I'm gonna stop looking . Lol .I'm being repaid for all the times I replied to threads without reading them. Finally, I face justice.
I'm being repaid for all the times I replied to threads without reading them. Finally, I face justice.
I don't want to discourage you in your efforts to improve, but you didn't notice that I already said I have a pot for brewing beer.I would go with a burner instead of a dedicated fryer in case you want to learn to homebrew.
LOL We've all done it. I'm getting better. I was gonna say used commercial but you beat me, HEAVY.
People who fry inside are weird. It's NASTY. I said it first but wife uses it now too, we say it "smells like Section 8".
Yeah I did actually and was trying to be funny since you talked about people not reading posts but I failed miserably LOL All good.but you didn't notice that I already said I have a pot for brewing beer.
Good beer is GOOD BEER, style be damned. Sounds fantastic, but yeah that is technically all over the place. Oh man nugget, takes me back.I don't generally brew to a style. This beer is a heavy ale with a lot of wheat in it, made with Abbaye yeast and Sabro hops. I think it's around 8.5% ABV, and I carbonated it to 3.3 volumes. Really wonderful. When I designed it a couple of decades ago, I used Nugget and Crystal hops.