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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
Jun 22, 2007
Brandon, Florida
How many people here are camping, backpacking, or other outdoor enthusiasts? I myself am and enjoy mountaineering, backpacking and camping.
Dead serious bass fishing (for money) in the Champion, hunt deer, turkey, coyote, bobcat, birds, "rough it smoothly" in the KZ Sportsman Toyhauler with the Harley in the back end. I'm 60, don't sleep on the ground or in tents any more. You will get there.
Cool, what mountains have you climbed recently? I may be going back out to Shasta later this year or early next. Did Rainier (Liberty Ridge) last September.
Camping, fishing, kayaking, drinking and power napping... not necessarily in that order.
In my younger days I was a rock climber. Did all the Presidentials and some rocks in Europe. Now my outdoor activities are pretty much being pit boss for my wife's racing career and living in a toterhome Thurs-Sun.
Nothing recently. Spent alot of time in the Wind River Range many moons ago. NOLS Mountaineering course (among others). Lately it's just been mostly hiking around. I guess I'm getting old!
You know you're getting old when the number of aching body parts exceeds the number that don't.
We go camping quite a bit at Possum Kingdom lake on Memorial Day and Labor Day holidays. I go fishing in my bass boat every weekend, usually by myself, cause my wife thinks fish stink, plus shes scared of them. I plan my vacation around deer season. You can find me in my deer stand opening morning every Nov 1st. I also enjoy slinging mud in my gas guzzlin monster truck.
But most recently I have been enjoying smoking everything I can get my hands on.
hey low, i used to (2 of my kids still do) live between south hulen & crowley. downwind from mrs baird's & miller(now that makes ya hungry)brewing, possum kingdom was1 serious party lake. thanx for the flashback.
I go out and ruff it every once and a while (somebody has to do it)

The rest of the time I play "Patty Cake" with my Grand Daughter, she will be one the 19th of this month
Was? It still is!!! Ive been going there since I was a kid and its only gotten bigger and badder every year. Most of the party people go to Hells Gate.
We like to camp at One Mountain Place. Its a little bit quieter and they have elec hookups. More family oriented. But I've done my share of partying at Hells Gate, thats for sure.
I drive by that brewery and Mrs. Bairds almost daily.
Did alot of camping when I was younger. Backpacking too. Professional photographer. Loved to do the scenics. Mainly Oregon, California, Maine and Vermont. Still camp now and then, but more to relax. Lots of fishing now off the Florida Gulf coast. Wife loves to fish too. Nothing better than fresh caught fish.
I used to tug a '98 Jayco UDST-12 pop-up all over Colorado, but I sold it two yrs ago and bought all new backpacking stuff. Now I just hit a trailhead and hike in. I enjoy the hiking, and try to go during the off peak tourist time. I really love the fall. I miss the trailer sometimes, but I've recently inherited a 27' 5th wheel that is still down in Texas. Don't know how my little Dakota is gonna pull it :) What I'd really like to do is buy a recumbent bicycle, hook a sled trailer to it, put all my gear on the trailer and go cross country. I recently read about a couple of guys who built an ocean going peddle powered boat and crossed the Atlantic, then continued on bike across the USA, had thier boat shipped to the west coast, and continued on to Hawaii. I think they've reached Asia and plan to finish up back in the UK. Interesting story. I also read about 'the fat man walking' Another interesting read.

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