I had a party this weekend and was doing pulled pork so thought I'd try pulled pastrami also, turned out GREAT! I've done pastrami 2 other times, smoked then steamed the next day and then sliced, so I just thought if I steamed longer I could pull it the same as pulled pork. So I had 3 corned beefs and soaked them in fresh water and rinsed them off good and used the McCormick pepper medaly that I've used before and a little garlic powder and smoked them with hickory till they got to 160, I did this on friday night. Saturday I put them in the steamer at 11:00 and steamed them till about 6:30. Took them out and just used my hands to pull it all apart and man was it awsome! Most people said they liked the beef better than the pork, and I thought the port was the best I've ever done. Now that I'm getting a little more comfortable with beef, i've the pastrami and a few chuck roast, I think the next logical step would be to brine my own brisket for some strami.