Alright guys I've decided after owning a WSM and a Weber Kettle for a while now I would also like to have some more convenience with a pellet grill. I've never done super long cooks on my WSM for that reason.
The ole' power outage is paranoia is starting to set in. I've searched threads on here and saw people with concern the food wasn't safe after discovering the power went out on things like electric smokers overnight. Have any of you used or heard of anything with enough power to act as a backup for a smoker besides an all out generator? Just curious.
The ole' power outage is paranoia is starting to set in. I've searched threads on here and saw people with concern the food wasn't safe after discovering the power went out on things like electric smokers overnight. Have any of you used or heard of anything with enough power to act as a backup for a smoker besides an all out generator? Just curious.