Porkstrami for the new year

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
SMF Premier Member
May 31, 2022
This is my first try at Porkstrami. I'm really happy with how it came out, and it's pretty easy. Served with homemade rye bread milled from Barton Springs Mill Danko Rye and Yecora Rojo hard red winter wheat.



Pork cushion trimmed and ready to brine


After 5 days (I'll do 4 next time), I froze one. The other one I patted dry, applied a dry rub, then vac-sealed in the fridge overnight.

Then into the smoker (along with a bunch of jalapenos, I used up my last batch of dried chipotles in sausage last week).


It smoked for around 4.5 hours (internal 155 degrees F). Cooled it down overnight, then sliced as thin as I could get.


Looks awesome! I'll bet you have some good cheese to serve with it!!

Do you have a brine recipe? Looks amazing 😍 why on top of peppers?
Thanks! I used up the last of the chipotles I had on hand for sausage, time to make new ones. I'll PM you the links, I got bitched at for posting non-SMF links last time I did it.

Reason for not smoking them both and then freezing the extra one, Or is it going to be something else, just wondering
I had never used this dry rub recipe before, so I wanted to make sure we like it.
Nice Loyd .
Love pork cushion . Fantastic cut of pork . Make a great ham .
After 5 days (I'll do 4 next time), I froze one.
I know you're not new to this stuff , but freezing the seasoned meats makes something good happen . You might already know that . I did it once by chance with a beef roast just seasoned with Canadian steak seasoning . I think it was 6 months later , I had some of the best deli roast beef . Make sure you post up thoughts and results on the frozen one when you do it .
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but freezing the seasoned meats makes something good happen . You might already know that . I did it once by chance with a beef roast just seasoned with Canadian steak seasoning . I think it was 6 months later , I had some of the best deli roast beef

Good to know, might have to try this with something , on the next shopping day before I freeze up the lot.

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