Pork Shoulder

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smokin for life

Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
OTBS Member
Apr 21, 2007
Well I went to get a butt to try pulled pork. Not to my surprize they didn't have one. But what I did get was a "Whole Picnic Grain Fed Pork Shoulder." 8 1/2 lbs. I noticed in another thread from Camocook the question about the skin. I don't see any skin on mine. Is that possible.
Hey Camocook, You smoke'em from the south and I'll smoke'em from the north.
Yes, it's very possible. You'd know if it had skin, real tough, thick, grainy. I was surprised to see hide on the last one I bought. Shoulder and butt is prepared the same. Good luck!
S4L -

Sometimes they look kind of like tiny hams. If you brine it it will be just like ham - pink and errr ... well hamy!

If you just rub it and/or pour/sprinkle mustard on it it and smoke it to 200 to 205 will be ready for a pulled pork. Don't forget the finishing sauce!

If you rub it and cook it to 170 to 180 it'll be like roast pork.

I like shoulders - there one of my favorites you can do so much with them and not know your eattig the same piece of meat and they're always cheaper than everything else (at least around here).

You can also cut it from the bone, cut all the fat off, cut it into 2x2x4 inch strips sprinkle a packet of Knox geletin on it and few soices ... stuff it in a large casing and make smoked ham lunch meat.

Good Luck!
Debi I plan on using hickory chunks (couldn't find any mesquite chucks) I've never used chucks, and even using chips I think I may have over done the smoke. I was one of those "bellowing white smoke guys" Since hanging out here, I realize that was wrong. Is there any rule of thumb on how many chunks to start with?
Hey Smokin For Life, The Home Depot In So. Phila. Has Hickory And Mesquite In Bags About As Big As A Bed Pillow. 3/4 Of A Cubic Foot For $13.oo.
Don't tell me that, I just paid 5.00 for a little bag at K-Mart. I'm always a dollar short and a day late. I bet when my ship comes in I'll be at the airport LOL
I don't use mesquite for anything at all. It's bitter and strong. I like apple better, and always start with two fist sized chunks, and add when it's just down to a whisp. I like a strong smoke flavor.
S4L -

whatever you use now - use a lot less!

Try one chunk ... see how much smoke you get. Add another chunk if you need to - you might not, depending on the size of the chunk.

Remember your not making a fire, you don't need heat, you got that all you need is a little smoke at a time. Ever see how much smoke a tiny a cigarette makes? Think about it ...
Yes Ma'am. I'm Even Starting To Get More Blue Smoke Than White. Only Been Smokin A Month On Ecb And I Want A Bigger One Already. The Woman Says " But Honey There's Only The Two Of Us " . I Guess We're Gonna Have To Invite Some People Over.

Thanks Everyone Again For The Help.
Hey Camosmoke can you smell the smoke? 8!/2 pork shoulder started at 9:00 this morning. I fianally got the smoking down to a thin blue smoke also. Right now it's at 132. I'd be lost with out this fourm. Rub it with Tulsa Jeff's speical rub over night, Going topull it off at 205 at add some of that finishing sauce from the other post. Man I'm licking my lips all ready.
Dont forget about the plateu. It may hang around 140-150 for hours. It just depends. Once it breaks through, it'll be smooth sailing. Pork shoulders are funny like that.
Thanks Billyq. But I'm Gonna Leave The Pork On For Some Time Yet.that's Why It's On The Bottom Rack. Having It On Burger Buns Tomorrow With Some Slaw.
That's what my shoulder is doing right now, 139 for over a hour now. If ya'll didn't tell me about this I'd be throwing my thermometers in the trash and be looking at raw meat. As usual and once again "thank's fella's" OOPPPsss Sorry Debi......and Gals!!! :)
It's been almost 4 hours and mine only went up to 154, and I have to be honest with Ya'll. I just brought it in and shoved it in the oven. Not that I wanted to, it"s starting to rain. I think the fist mod. I'm going to do to mt GOSM is to make some kind of top hat on a stove pipe for my dampner on top. I really wanted to sit this out and make all of my now friends proud of me. I wouldn't of mined siting in the rain, but I didn't want the rain going into the shoulder. Oh I also learned that just because the wood chuck isn't smoldering or there's not any red embers on it, that doesn't mean it won't burn the heck out of if you pick it up. YEOW!!!!

Glad to hear your learning to control the smoke that's the key to great BBQ!

Tell the wife "But honey with a bigger smoker I can smoke more and then you'll only have to fix sides all week long!"

Works for me! I smoke on Saturday or Sunday and re-heat the rest of the week! Make my lunches and our suppers for the whole week. Nuke a few veggies and it's like we're eatting out all the time. In 30 minutes or less you can have whatever strikes your fancy (as long as you've already smoked it)!

YeeHaw Doncha love smokin'?
Now your learning..that whats so great about this "hobbie" no two smokes are ever the same.
when it's raining during a smoke i have a 9' patio umbrella that i open up if it's not to windy, works great except that it's not tall enuff for me and when i open my lid i get choked
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