photo frustration!!!

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Smoke Blower
Original poster
OTBS Member
Jul 2, 2006
I tried to get pictures using imageshack and had no luck... i am open to any sugguestions as to how to get pictures to you all! HELP!!
i usually know what pics i am going to try and post so i change the setting on my camera to one of the smallest settings and one of the weekest megapix settings. it took me a while to set it in but i finally figured it out.

then if i need to i use what ever photo editor comes with windows and ill crop it down to take off any extra stuff thats not needed to see
Mom if you can describe the bump in the road we can get you over the hump.

ImageShack provides a link called "Thumbnail for Forums (1)" when you upload a picture. Just copy&paste the link into your message.

TIP: If I'm uploading multiple pictures then I copy&paste each link, as they are uploaded, into Notepad or MSWord. Once you leave the webpage with the link on it there's no way to get it back unless you are a logged-in registered member.

Let's get this figured out so we can see some of those pictures. :D
Smokemom, is what I use to post my photos and I'm a fan about using the thumbnail url. You can regester on Imageshack and get access to your photos anytime (regestration is FREE).
thank you! I will try that right now...

your beans were a great success this saturday! everyone loved them!!!!!
Smokemom, don't give up, we are all looking forward to the day we can see just 1 pic of your BBQ. I get up every morning saying to myself, this is the day that I will see a picture of her ribs, brisket, pork butt, ABTs. We won't give up on you, don't give up on us. You can emamil the pics to me and I will post them for you.

Keep the fire burning...Have a cold one, Don't give up.
I think i will take you up on e-mailing them to you and ask you to put them up! I am still trying to figure this out!

thanks for the offer! I am sure I will be sending them soon!!!!!

Thanks for the words of encouragement!!!!
Gary, Nice pickup on offering to post those pix's for Kathy. I was going to offer, but then I saw that you beat me to it.

Well....I've finally stepped up and got a digital camera to show off my meat :oops: But when I load them, it says file too big :roll:
any ideas?
when i take regualr pics i have my camera set at fine or super fine. when i take pics i know i will probably post i use and economy setting or just above it uses less pixels so less file size. i will aslo adjust my photo size to a smaller setting. 480x620 for example again smaller file size.

this usually fixes all my problems without trying to modify a file later.

or i have a friend around that is a know it all and let him do it for me, making is head even bigger.
Kathy, if you are still having trouble with picture posting, Send a PM to Tommy C. I hope he does not mind, but his pics in the testing area are very good. Since he just went through all the trouble of pictuer posting, he may be able to explain things to you.

The offer still stand if you need to post, I do not mind doing the re-sizing and posting for you.
Hi There Folks!

To all of you participating in this thread who may still be having trouble re-sizing images for avatars and/or resizing large images down to below the 256 kb requirement for posting your "que" pics in the forums, please go here and read my thread.

This will help all people who are running the Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Pro Edition as their Operating System.

Go Here:

and carefully read every post in the thread first and then follow the instructions and the links to download/install a Tiny, Free and very simple little application which will end your resizing woes providing the images you wish to resize are already downloaded on your harddrive in "MY Pictures"

If you have any questions whatsoever either post them in my thread or PM me and we will get you squared away right quick.

Providing your windows system is running smoothly this little app will end all your resizing image woes once you learn your way around it!

If you were smart enough to find us here with your computer you will be able to use this tiny app!

It will change you from this " :cry: " to this " :lol: "


ranger72 :)
Hi Ranger,
I installed the program...Then selected one of my pictures and resized it using the smallest setting available. It worked great, except it was still too large for the forum...I clicked on advance and tried some settings under custom. When I got a picture that showed 239kb, it was pretty small. Not really what you want for posting...I don't know what else I could of done. Just curious...

Thanks, Steve


If you will go to and get set up your worry's will be over on posting pics. You just have to upload your pics to imageshack and then post the URL from imageshack on the forum. It works great and you don't have to worry about resizing your pics.
Hi There swalker!

You can certainly try what Cajunsmoker is suggesting and that works for him and others in the forum.

But here is something you check out need to study up on your digital camera's settings...For example the size of the pics I take with my camera are directly related to how I set my camera..

I can take a single pic and if I set my camera on TIFF and go with a large format like 1280 x 1024 then the amount of digital information which is contained in that one picture could be as much as 9 Megabytes of info which is great for enlarging pictures into poster size pieces of art but is worthless for posting images in a forum like this.

I suggest you sit down with your camera's tech manual and learn all the settings..most digicams have a setting for e-mail size pictures which you can set on the camera itself and then along with that set the format (image size) at 640x480 or something small like that.

Then when you use the Power toy image resizer and set a custom resize the image will be below the 256kb requirement that our forum sets..

I think you may be trying to resize a very large formatted picture..again the real key is for you to learn about your camera's settings..the power toy resizer is a tool which is free and will do exactly what you want it to do once you understand how to use your camera's settings.

Go here:

and here:

and sit down with your camera and check it out...

Also Google is your friend ...try Googling something like "digital image resizing for beginners and try changing the wording around and you will be surprised at the millions of websites and pages thay are available to learn from.

Hope this will help to set you on the right path brother!

Hi Ranger72,
I am sure you are right. I have a couple of different cameras I use. But of course could use only one for the forum. I have a fuji 3800 and also a Canon rebel xt. Naturally the canon produces a larger picture... I also have several different programs for resizing. Like Photo Elf, which will do a batch file and resize all of them at once, instead of having to do them one at a time...Pretty neat...However, I need to learn which size to go with that will work for the forum. If I use the smallest setting, they will work for the forum...but the pictures are so small you can hardly see what they are...If I go to the next setting, the pictures are too big for the forum....what a deal...
I have posted pictures before. I keep trying till it accepts the size. Just was looking for a simple way of doing it...Computers are great ain't they.
Thanks for the help.
Steve [email protected] is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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