Hi There
You can certainly try what
Cajunsmoker is suggesting and that works for him and others in the forum.
But here is something you check out first..you need to study up on your digital camera's settings...For example the size of the pics I take with my camera are directly related to how I set my camera..
I can take a single pic and if I set my camera on TIFF and go with a large format like 1280 x 1024 then the amount of digital information which is contained in that one picture could be as much as 9 Megabytes of info which is great for enlarging pictures into poster size pieces of art but is worthless for posting images in a forum like this.
I suggest you sit down with your camera's tech manual and learn all the settings..most digicams have a setting for e-mail size pictures which you can set on the camera itself and then along with that set the format (image size) at 640x480 or something small like that.
Then when you use the Power toy image resizer and set a custom resize the image will be below the 256kb requirement that our forum sets..
I think you may be trying to resize a very large formatted picture..again the real key is for you to learn about your camera's settings..the power toy resizer is a tool which is free and will do exactly what you want it to do once you understand how to use your camera's settings.
Go here:
and here:
and sit down with your camera and check it out...
Also Google is your friend ...try Googling something like "digital image resizing for beginners and try changing the wording around and you will be surprised at the millions of websites and pages thay are available to learn from.
Hope this will help to set you on the right path brother!