Pepper dropping all blossoms

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hooked on smoke

Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
SMF Premier Member
Aug 24, 2013
Southern California.
I'm really new to growing peppers.
The wife and I have gone through,
Habenero, Chocolate Habenero, Ghost and other pepper plants with very poor results.
We purchased plants from, the orange box store as well as a local hi end nursery.
The plants bud but the buds all fall off. What is happening?
FYI, we are in HB, CA. Within 3 miles of the beach.
Requesting help from the pepper pro's
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Heat plays hell on them , but don't over water . I've let mine dry out to the point of panic before I water . Keep them going , and if the weather ever cools down they should go crazy .

Also , if you drink coffee , put your spent coffee grounds in the bed where you plant your peppers . Mix it in the soil . In time it made a big difference in mine .
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Heat plays hell on them , but don't over water . I've let mine dry out to the point of panic before I water . Keep them going , and if the weather ever cools down they should go crazy .

Also , if you drink coffee , put your spent coffee grounds in the bed where you plant your peppers . Mix it in the soil . In time it made a big difference in mine .
I agree with you completely about the heat. Close to 100° will cause the flowers to drop, especially ghost peppers. I fought my ghost flowers dropping all last summer 100°+. As soon as we got our first cool down, I had peppers coming out everywhere. Bell pepper, habanero and jalapeno seemed to be resilient to extreme heat.

Along with the coffee, I add time release fertilizer every couple months and epsom salt every couple weeks.
As soon as we got our first cool down,
Yes sir . I didn't put any in last year or this year . Damn heat has been brutal . I do miss them though .
Along with the coffee,
I did a " test " 2 years ago . I had a spot I was growing bells and Japs that I was dumping coffee grounds in everyday . Also planted some in another spot , no coffee grounds .
My coffee ground plants were close to 4' tall and went crazy when it cooled down .
The plants in the other spot didn't fare well . No yield to speak of and no growth .
Both were cared for the same .
Yes sir . I didn't put any in last year or this year . Damn heat has been brutal . I do miss them though .

I did a " test " 2 years ago . I had a spot I was growing bells and Japs that I was dumping coffee grounds in everyday . Also planted some in another spot , no coffee grounds .
My coffee ground plants were close to 4' tall and went crazy when it cooled down .
The plants in the other spot didn't fare well . No yield to speak of and no growth .
Both were cared for the same .
Yes sir . I didn't put any in last year or this year . Damn heat has been brutal . I do miss them though .

I did a " test " 2 years ago . I had a spot I was growing bells and Japs that I was dumping coffee grounds in everyday . Also planted some in another spot , no coffee grounds .
My coffee ground plants were close to 4' tall and went crazy when it cooled down .
The plants in the other spot didn't fare well . No yield to speak of and no growth .
Both were cared for the same .
Wow that is incredible. I always forget about coffee. This year my ghost are doing so much better, getting good harvest so far. Hasn't been as hot as last year in South Louisiana.
Agree on the heat. It's not been bad in Ohio relative to heat so mine are loaded with blossoms and peppers. Reaper, orange and red habanero, cayenne , Tabasco all have tons of peppers and blossoms. My tomato plants in raised beds and containers are a different story. We've pretty much been in drought for a month until rain last week. Despite watering they are really poor.
It's been a relatively warm for RI this Summer.I did reapers and scorpions this year and so far they're doing fine.They are in full sun for a good portion of the day,morning and evening they are in shade, and as the days get shorter they get less and less sun and this is when they start producing big time.

As others have said don't overwater.I use Osmo which is a time release fertilizer and that gets done around every other month which translates to 3 times a season.

I've heard of using coffee but never tried it as my plants always seem to do well.Might have to give it a try and see how much better they do.

Looking forward to this crop becoming next years magic dust!
I'm really new to growing peppers.
The wife and I have gone through,
Habenero, Chocolate Habenero, Ghost and other pepper plants with very poor results.
We purchased plants from, the orange box store as well as a local hi end nursery.
The plants bud but the buds all fall off. What is happening?
FYI, we are in HB, CA. Within 3 miles of the beach.
Requesting help from the pepper pro's
Remember, any flower that doesn't get pollinated will fall off. You can shake your plants every day to help pollination. Bees aren't as busy during hot weather either. I grow about 50 pepper plants every year, and have made a habit of shaking the plants that are blooming.
My Datyl, fish and japs are doing great this year, we fertilize and do coffee grounds. our San marzano tomatoes on the other hand all have bottom rot...not sure why?
My Datyl, fish and japs are doing great this year, we fertilize and do coffee grounds. our San marzano tomatoes on the other hand all have bottom rot...not sure why?
Virtually every full sized one I've picked has blossom rot this year. Cherries being the exception. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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