Legendary Pitmaster
Original poster
Staff member
OTBS Member
★ Lifetime Premier ★
Recently we had a great thread asking about a Hall of Fame. If you read it we basically said that is what the OTBS is meant to be and why we don't have a separate Hall of Fame.
I went and looked at the OTBS list and noticed it doesn't have the Credo in it so it can be lost as to what is really is about. I have put that Credo in that OTBS thread but figured id do another Thread just to highlight this information.
Credo of the Order of the Thin Blue Smoke
The title of Knight or Knightess in the Order of the Thin Blue Smoke brings with it some responsibilities;
First and foremost-You must hold yourself to a higher standard of behavior and demeanor. Don't let the pettiness of others drag you down to their level. Be courteous and mindful of the opinions expressed by others even though your thinking on the subject may differ. It falls upon you to set the example and lead the way.
Second-Mentor those that seek to know your skills. They look upon you as an expert even though you may feel otherwise.
Third-If someone asks a question, (even though the subject may have been brought up a dozen times before), explain how to do it and/or provide a link to the thread that will (hopefully) answer their question. To tell them to use the "Search" feature is not an acceptable answer. Not everyone that comes to SMF is computer savvy.
Forth-Everyone has an ego; some are bigger than others-some not. Don’t let your ego get in the way.
To bear the title of Knight/Knightess of the OTBS is an honor. It is an honor that is not easily earned; it is not a permanent honor and it can be easily stripped away. Failure to follow the Rules of Smoking Meats Forum and by disregarding the responsibilities as set forth above can strip you of the title and honor that others strive to claim for themselves.
Be mindful and act accordingly.
I hope this helps with clarity on the issue and as always im always open to talk to you about your opinions on the matter so feel free to PM me. If you have a comment on OTBS then that is better to be directed to
as they really handle OTBS.
Thanks everyone
I went and looked at the OTBS list and noticed it doesn't have the Credo in it so it can be lost as to what is really is about. I have put that Credo in that OTBS thread but figured id do another Thread just to highlight this information.
Credo of the Order of the Thin Blue Smoke
The title of Knight or Knightess in the Order of the Thin Blue Smoke brings with it some responsibilities;
First and foremost-You must hold yourself to a higher standard of behavior and demeanor. Don't let the pettiness of others drag you down to their level. Be courteous and mindful of the opinions expressed by others even though your thinking on the subject may differ. It falls upon you to set the example and lead the way.
Second-Mentor those that seek to know your skills. They look upon you as an expert even though you may feel otherwise.
Third-If someone asks a question, (even though the subject may have been brought up a dozen times before), explain how to do it and/or provide a link to the thread that will (hopefully) answer their question. To tell them to use the "Search" feature is not an acceptable answer. Not everyone that comes to SMF is computer savvy.
Forth-Everyone has an ego; some are bigger than others-some not. Don’t let your ego get in the way.
To bear the title of Knight/Knightess of the OTBS is an honor. It is an honor that is not easily earned; it is not a permanent honor and it can be easily stripped away. Failure to follow the Rules of Smoking Meats Forum and by disregarding the responsibilities as set forth above can strip you of the title and honor that others strive to claim for themselves.
Be mindful and act accordingly.
I hope this helps with clarity on the issue and as always im always open to talk to you about your opinions on the matter so feel free to PM me. If you have a comment on OTBS then that is better to be directed to

Thanks everyone