I recently aquired the newly published 3rd edition of Rytek Kutas sasuage and meat curing book. In his book he discusses the use of soy powder and dry milk as a moisture retainer in some fresh and most smoked sausages. In this discussion he states that one should not use the dry milk intended for making milk at home, and instead use dry milk from a dairy farm because of its finer texture. Before reading this i had been using the dry powdered milk in my bratwurst. They have been plump and moist and the type of dry milk i used doesnt seem to cause any negative effects.
My question to all of you is, is Ryteks statement more of a purist way and does the finer type really work in a different way?
I know lots will say, use what works for me and i plan on that still. Using specialized harder to get ingredients really raises the cost effectivness factor for me.
My question to all of you is, is Ryteks statement more of a purist way and does the finer type really work in a different way?
I know lots will say, use what works for me and i plan on that still. Using specialized harder to get ingredients really raises the cost effectivness factor for me.