Ok. So tonight I tried my hand at smoking again tonight. The original ribs I was going to use were spoiled :S so I had to get so more. I started them at about 2:30. About 1h before, I started the charcoal and then I went and preped my ribs. I put them on the smoker..
This is my smoker:
The temperature was steadily rising. After about 1h or so on they were up to about 108 degrees F and then looked like this:
This is also roughly the setup of my charcoal and chips, which i'll talk about more at the end:
So I continued smoking and occasionally put more chips on the pan and add more charcoal underneath. At about 7pm the temp of the meat peaked at about 162 F and then after that they averaged at about 150F. For the love of me I could not get the dam meat temp to 170F, I tried but no dice. At roughly 9pm I pulled them off. I could not get the temp high enough, where last time my problem was that the temp was too high. I ended up nuking them for a few minutes (I know, sad eh). This was the final product:
I feel my problem was that they were not cooked enough, because A) they were only in for about 6hs, and B) The temp peaked at about 162F. I think I could resolve this by not overstoking the charcoal (I think I suffocated it), possibly putting a few bricketes in the main chamber just for a bit of added heat. Maybe facing the smoker so that the intake is facing the wind direction. Any other suggestions would be appreciated, also where I should maybe post this to get more help with it? Maybe in the pork section?