I just stumbled across this forum and had to sign up.
Name: Lee Grider
Equip: CharGriller Outlaw with offset firebox.
Status: A tick above just learning.
Location: Marietta, GA
Last time I smoked a Boston Butt, I felt like it cooked way too quickly. It was done in about 6 hours and change. I gauged doneness with a meat therm and hit 180F in the center of the meat. No need to overcook if done. I would welcome any suggestions for slowing down, and approx how long a butt or more should cook for. I've heard in the 12 hour range. I would like to get it to that point. My temp gauges ran around 250 ish with 2 water pans. I use a mix of charcoal and hickory and oak wood. Flavor was great, just would like it more tender. It was a tad stringy.
Also had my vents mostly closed down. Thanks!
The General
Name: Lee Grider
Equip: CharGriller Outlaw with offset firebox.
Status: A tick above just learning.
Location: Marietta, GA
Last time I smoked a Boston Butt, I felt like it cooked way too quickly. It was done in about 6 hours and change. I gauged doneness with a meat therm and hit 180F in the center of the meat. No need to overcook if done. I would welcome any suggestions for slowing down, and approx how long a butt or more should cook for. I've heard in the 12 hour range. I would like to get it to that point. My temp gauges ran around 250 ish with 2 water pans. I use a mix of charcoal and hickory and oak wood. Flavor was great, just would like it more tender. It was a tad stringy.
Also had my vents mostly closed down. Thanks!
The General